Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Jamete, Esteban

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Alternate Farmete, Esteban
Alternate Jamet, Etienne
Alternate Jamete
Alternate Jamete de Orleáns, Esteban
Alternate Xamete
Alternate Xamete, Esteban
L.C. NameJamete, Esteban, active 16th century
Region(s)Andalusia; Castile-La Mancha
MediaSculptor and architect
NotesBorn in Orléans; in Spain from 1535.
PhotoarchiveSee Photoarchive Holdings for: Jamete, Esteban
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CreatedEG |D 1993 08 24 |T 14:57:54
CreatedEG |D 1993 08 24 |T 14:57:55
Araujo Gómez, 1885, p.612 (Xamete, (op.1537-1552).
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1958, pp.233-234 (op.1537-1546).
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1982, p.246 (op.1535-1565).
Bénézit, 1976 (Jamete, or Xamete, op.16th cent.).
Bernales Ballesteros, 1990, p.110 (op.1541-1543).
Camón Aznar, 1989, pp.262-263 (Esteban Jamete de Orleáns, or Esteban Jamete, n.1515-op.1555).
Ceán Bermúdez, 1800 (Xamete, op.1537-doc.1552).
Chueca Goitia, 1953, p.180 (n.c.1515-doc.1560).
Domínguez Bordona, Esteban Jamete, 1933, pp.v-vi, xi.
Gómez-Moreno, 1931 repr. 1971, p.64 (op.1546-1550).
Llaguno y Amirola, 1829, v.2, p.42 (Jamete, cross-referenced as Xamete, op.1537-1549).
Marías, 1989, pp.317, 411 (also as Etienne Jamet).
Parrado del Olmo, Avila, 1981, p.274 (op.p.1537).
Portela Sandoval, 1977, p.212 (op.1537).
Rokiski Lázaro, 1983, p.419 (op.1548-a.1561).
Thieme-Becker, v.18, 1925 (Jamete or Xamete, op.1537/1539-1552).
Toledo, Hospital de Tavera [exh.], 1982, p.93 (also as Esteban Xamete or Farmete, n.c.1515-m.p.1557).