Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Muñoz Morillejo, Joaquín

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Alternate Morillejo, Joaquín Muñoz*
Alternate Muñoz Morellejo, Joaquín
L.C. NameMuñoz Morillejo, Joaquín, 1861-1935
NotesAlso known as an author.
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CreatedBLR |D 1993 09 09 |T 12:23:30
CreatedBLR |D 1993 09 09 |T 12:23:30
Cien años de pintura, v.6, 1991 (exh.1897-1918).
Madrid, Centro Reina Sofía, 1991.
Madrid, Exposición general [exh.], 1906, p.63 (Joaquín Muñoz Morellejo, exh.1898-1904, contemporary).
Madrid, Museo Municipal [cat.], 1990, p.199.
Muñoz Ruiz-Castillo, 1975, p.7.
Pantorba, 1948, p.153 (exh.1897).
Pantorba, 1980, p.446 (exh.1897-1918).
Toledo, Museo Palacio de Fuensalida [exh.], 1975, n.p.