Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Licalde, Juan de

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Alternate Elizalde, Juan (de)
Alternate Licalde
L.C. NameLicalde, Juan de, active 1628
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CreatedIR |D 1994 01 20 |T 17:09:24
CreatedIR |D 1994 01 20 |T 17:09:24
Bibliographic Sources
Angulo [Iñiguez] and Pérez Sánchez, v.2, 1977, p.52. source
Bénézit, 1976 (Juan Licalde or Elizalde, m.p.1628). source
Ceán Bermúdez, 1800. source
London, Witt Library, 1920, p.128. source
London, Witt, 1979-1980, microfiche no.14, 338 (mid-17th cent.). source
Madrid, BN [cat.], 1906, p.31 (op. end 16th cent.-beginning 17th cent.). source
Paris, Louvre [exh.], 1991, p.102. source
Pérez Sánchez, 1986, p.168. source
Pérez Sánchez, 1992, pp.240-242 (indexed as Licalde, disciple of Pedro de las Cuevas [1568-1644]). source
Pérez Sánchez, Letter received May 2, 1995. source
Sentenach y Cabañas, 1907, p.146 [no dates given]. source
Thieme-Becker, v.23, 1929 (also as Juan de Elizalde). source