Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Lloréns the Elder, Cristóbal

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Alternate Lloréns I, Cristóbal
Alternate Lloréns, Christóval
Alternate Lloréns, Cristóbal
Alternate Lloréns, Cristofol (or Cristoffol)
L.C. NameLloréns, Cristóbal, approximately 1554-approximately 1622
NotesDo not confuse with his nephew Cristóbal Lloréns the Younger, 1571-1646, both also known as Cristóbal Lloréns or with Cristóbal Lloréns, 1831-1910.
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CreatedIR |D 1994 01 21 |T 12:31:47
CreatedIR |D 1994 01 21 |T 12:31:47
Albi [Fita], Joan de Joanes, 1979, v.2, pp.498, 499, 505 (Cristóbal Lloréns I, or Cristóbal Lloréns, doc.1578-op.1612).
Alcahalí, 1897, pp.189-190 (Cristóbal Lloréns, op.1592-m.1645 [biographical information about the artist is combined with that on his nephew Cristóbal Lloréns the Younger, 1571-1646]).
Aldana Fernández, 1970 (Cristóbal Lloréns, 1571-1645 [biographical information about the artist is combined with that on his nephew Cristóbal Lloréns the Younger, 1571-1646]).
Bénézit, 1976 (n.c.1550-m.c.1620).
Camón Aznar, Pintura XVI, 1970, p.108 (Cristóbal Lloréns, 16th cent.).
Ceán Bermúdez, 1800 (Cristóbal Lloréns, op.1597).
Cervera, 1981, p.45 (Cristóbol Lloréns I, 1571-1646, [biographical information about the artist is combined with that on his nephew Cristóbal Lloréns the Younger, 1571-1646]).
Díaz Padrón and Padrón Mérida, 1987, p.130 (Cristóbal Lloréns I, 16th cent.).
Garín Ortiz de Taranco, 1978, p.205 (Cristóbal Lloréns [no dates given]).
Historia del arte valenciano, v.4, 1989, p.94 (Cristóbal Lloréns or Cristóbal Lloréns I, n.a.1553-m.p.1616).
Marías, 1989, p.597 (Cristóbal Lloréns).
New York, Spanish Institute [exh.], 1988, p.24 (Cristóbal Lloréns).
Orellana, 1930, p.66 note 1 (Christóval Lloréns, indexed as Cristóbal Lloréns, doc.1579).
Pérez Sánchez, Arte, 1985, p.266 (Cristóbal Lloréns, doc.1592-1643; documents probably refer to a father and son with the same name [see also Cristóbal Lloréns the Younger]).
Pérez Sánchez, Letter received May 2, 1995.
Sanchís y Sivera, 1909, p.535 (Cristóbal Lloréns, op.1598 [citation may refer to his nephew Cristóbal Lloréns the Younger, 1571-1646]).
Thieme-Becker, v.23, 1929 (Cristóbal Lloréns der Älter, n.c.1550-m.c.1620; not the same as Cristóbal Lloréns der Jünger [Cristóbal Lloréns the Younger], m.1645).
Tormo y Monzó, Valencia, [1932], fasc.2, p.159 (Cristóbal Lloréns, 1571-1645 [dates after 1622 refer to Cristóbal Lloréns the Younger, 1571-1646]).
Tramoyeres Blasco, 1912, pp.18, 39, 58, 70 (Cristoffol or Cristofol or Cristóbal Lloréns, doc.1607-1617).
Viñaza, v.2, 1894, pp.341, 343 (Cristóbal Lloréns, doc.1592-m.1645 [biographical information about the artist is combined with that on Cristóbal Lloréns the Younger, 1571-1646]).
Zarco del Valle, 1870, pp.44, 70 (Cristóbal Lloréns, doc.1579-m.1645 [bioraphical information about the artist is combined with that on his nephew Cristóbal Lloréns the Younger, 1571-1646]).