Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Loygorri, José

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Alternate Loygorri Pimentel, José
Alternate Loygorry Pimentel, José
Alternate Pimentel, José Loygorry*
L.C. NameLoygorri, José, 1889-
MediaPainter and photographer
PhotoarchiveSee Photoarchive Holdings for: Loygorri, José
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CreatedIR |D 1994 01 31 |T 14:47:40
CreatedIR |D 1994 01 31 |T 14:47:40
Bibliographic Sources
Barcelona, Fundació Caixa de Catalunya [trav. exh.], 1992, p.228. source
Bénézit, 1976 (José Loygorri Pimentel [no dates given]). source
Brasas Egido, 1982, p.76 n.211 [no dates given]. source
Cien años de pintura, v.4, 1990 (José Loygorry Pimentel, exh.1916-op.1950s). source
Fontbona de Vallescar, Letter dated April 16, 1995. source
Fontbona, 1988, p.531 (op.1917). source
Lago, 1916, n.p. (contemporary). source
Pantorba, 1980, p.514 [no dates given]. source
Thieme-Becker, v.23, 1929 (José Loygorri Pimentel [no dates given]). source