Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Maçip the Younger, Vicente Juan (or Vicente Joan, or Vicente Joanes)

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Alternate Joanes, Juan Vicente (or Juan Vizente)
Alternate Joanes, Vicent
Alternate Joanes, Vicente (or Vizente)
Alternate Juan Maçip, Vicente
Alternate Juanes the Younger, Juan Vicente
Alternate Juanes the Younger, Vicente
Alternate Maçip Comes, Vicente
Alternate Maçip II, Vicente
Alternate Macip II, Vicente Joanes (or Vicente Juanes)
Alternate Macip the Younger, Vicente Joan
Alternate Macip, Vicent Joan (or Vicente Joan, or Vicente Joanes)
Alternate Macip, Vicente
Alternate Maçip, Vicente
Alternate Maçip, Vicente Joanes (or Juan, or Juanes)
Alternate Macip, Vicente Juan
Alternate Macip, Vicente Juanes
Alternate Masip II, Vicente Joanes (or Juanes)
Alternate Masip, Vicente Joanes (or Juanes)
Alternate Masip, Vicente Juan
Alternate Vicente
L.C. NameMaçip, Vicente Juan, approximately 1555-1606
NotesDo not confuse with his father, Juan de Juanes, n.c.1510-m.1579, both also known as Vicente or Vizente Joanes, or as Vicente Juan Macip or Maçip or Masip; or with his grandfather, Vicente Macip, n.c.1475-m.1550, both also known as Vicente Macip or Maçip, or as Vicente Juan Macip or Masip.
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CreatedMLH |D 1994 06 21 |T 16:51:44
CreatedMLH |D 1994 06 21 |T 16:51:44
Bibliographic Sources
Albi [Fita], Joan de Joanes, 1979, v.2, pp.437, 444-445 (Vicente Juan Macip). source
Alcahalí, 1897, pp.176-177 (Vicente Juan Maçip, doc.1593-op.1606); p.162 (Vicent Joanes, doc.1579, under Joan de Joanes [Juan de Juanes], his father). source
Aldana Fernández, 1970 (Vicente Maçip II, op.1606). source
Angulo Iñiguez, Pintura del Renacimiento, 1954, pp.155, 174 (Vicente Juan Masip, op.1588-m.c.1609). source
Bénézit, 1976 (Vicente Joanes Masip or Macip, n.c.1555-m.1621). source
Brown, 1991, p.109 (Vicente Maçip Comes, n.c.1555-m.c.1607). source
Ceán Bermúdez, 1800 (Juan Vicente Joánes, op.1606). source
Company i Climent, 1985, p.205 (Vicent Joan Macip, n.1555-m.p.1606). source
Company i Climent, 1987, p.81 (Vicent Joan Macip, n.c.1555-m.1606). source
Espasa, v.28, pt.2, 1926 repr.1991 (Vicente Juan Macip [no dates given], under Juan de Juanes [Juan de Juanes], his father). source
Garín Ortiz de Taranco, 1978, p.205 (Vicente hijo de Juan de Juanes [no dates given]). source
Historia del arte valenciano, v.3, 1987, p.280 (Vicente Joan Macip, indexed as Vicente Joan Macip el Joven, n.c.1555-doc.1606). source
London, Witt, 1978 (Vicente Joanes or Vicente Juanes Masip or Macip II, n.c.1555-m.p.1621). source
Marías, 1989, p.323 (Vicente Maçip Comes, 1555-1607). source
Orellana, 1930, pp.44, 49, 58, 70 n.45 (Vizente or Juan Vizente or Juan Vicente Joanes; under Vizente Joanes [Juan de Juanes], his father; indexed as Juan Vicente Juanes, hijo, op.1604). source
Pérez Sánchez, Arte, 1985, pp.264, 290 (Vicente or Vicente Juan Maçip, m.1621). source
Thieme-Becker, v.24, 1930 (Vicente Joanes or Juanes Masip or Macip or Maçip, n.c.1555-m.p.1621, under Masip family). source
Valencia, Colegio del Patriarca [cat.], 1980, p.274 (Vicente Macip [no dates given]). source
Viñaza, v.2, 1894, p.294 (Juan Vicente Joanes [no dates given]); pp.294-295, 297, 300-301, under Vicente Joanes [Juan de Juanes], his father (Juan Vicente or Vicente Joanes, or Vicente Juanes, menor, or Vicente Juan Macip, doc.1578-1594). source