Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

March Marco, Vicente (or Vincente)

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Alternate March, Vicente
Alternate Marco, Vicente March*
L.C. NameMarch Marco, Vicente, 1859-1914
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CreatedEG |D 1994 06 22 |T 12:54:45
CreatedEG |D 1994 06 22 |T 12:54:45
Bibliographic Sources
Alcahalí, 1897, p.198 (Vicente March [no dates given]). source
Aldana Fernández, 1970 (Vicente March, 19th cent.). source
Bénézit, 1976 (Vicente March, n.1859-exh.p.1888). source
Busse, 1977 (Vincente [sic] or Vicente March y Marco, n.1859). source
Cien años de pintura, v.5, 1991 (n.1850-exh.1881). source
González [López] and Martí [Ayxelá], 1987, pp.130, 131 plate caption (n.c.1850-op.1884). source
London, Witt, 1978 (Vincente [sic] March y Marco, n.1859). source
Ossorio y Bernard, 1883-1884 (Vicente March y Marco, op.1876-exh.1881). source
Sale, Sotheby's, New York, October 17, 1991, n.p. lot 84 (Vicente March y Marco). source
Thieme-Becker, v.24, 1930 (Vicente March y Marco, n.1859). source