Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Master of the Claveles

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Alternate Disciple of the Master of Avila, Second
Alternate Geria Master
Alternate Master of Geria
Alternate Master of the Clavellinas
L.C. NameMaster of the Claveles, active 15th century
DatesLast quarter 15th C.
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CreatedMLH |D 1994 06 28 |T 10:23:19
CreatedMLH |D 1994 06 28 |T 10:23:19
Bibliographic Sources
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1990, p.392 (also known as Maestro de Geria, indexed under both names [no dates given]). source
Bernardos Mayoral, 1990, p.646 (second half of 15th cent.). source
Camón Aznar, 1966, pp.630, 632 (also known as Maestro de las Clavellinas (Lozoya), or Maestro de Geria (Post), [no dates given]). source
Gudiol Ricart, Pintura gótica, 1955, pp.348-349 (Díscipulo segundo del Maestro de Avila, or Maestro de Geria (Post), late 15th cent.). source
Padrón Mérida, 1990, p.651. source
Post, Geria, 1953, p.11 (Maestro de Geria, op.a.1500). source
Rodríguez Cruz, 1964, p.11 (Maestro de los Claveles, or Maestro de Geria, late 15th cent.). source
Toledo, Toledo Museum of Art [cat.], 1976, p.107 (Master of Geria). source