Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Master of Martínez Vallejo

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Alternate Martínez Master
Alternate Martínez Vallejo, Master of
Alternate Martínez, Master of
Alternate Master of Martínez
Alternate Master of the Familia Martínez
Alternate Master of the Familia Martínez Vallejo
L.C. NameMaster of Martínez Vallejo, active 15th-16th century
DatesLate 15th - early 16th C.
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CreatedMLH |D 1994 06 28 |T 11:24:39
CreatedMLH |D 1994 06 28 |T 11:24:39
Bibliographic Sources
Angulo Iñiguez, Pintura del Renacimiento, 1954, p.32 (Maestro de Martínez Vallejo [no dates given]). source
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1990, pp.361-362 [no dates given]. source
Garín Ortiz de Taranco, 1978, p.177 [no dates given]. source
Gaya Nuño, Pintura, 1958, p.229 (Master of Martínez, end 15th cent.). source
Historia del arte valenciano, v.3, 1988, p.39 ([no dates given]; possibly a member of the Falcó family). source
Lafuente Ferrari, Pintura, 1953, p.105 (Master of the Familia Martínez, end of 15th cent.-early 16th cent). source
London, Witt, 1978 (Master of Martínez, 16th cent.; possibly Nicolás Falcó the Elder). source
Marías, 1989, p.170 (Master of the Familia Martínez Vallejo [no dates given]; possibly Onofre Falcó I). source
Pérez Sánchez, Arte, 1985, p.227 (possibly Onofre Falcó I). source
Post, v.11, 1953, pp.120-121 (Martínez Master, 16th cent.; possibly Nicolás Falcó [the Elder]); v.9, 1947, p.834 (Martínez Master, first quarter 16th cent.); v.6, 1935, p.388 (Martínez Master, possibly the same as St. Lazarus Master [Master of San Lazaro, no dates given]). source
Saralegui, 1948, p.288 [no dates given]. source
Sobré, 1989, p.118 (Martínez Master, late 15th cent.). source
Thieme-Becker, v.37, 1950 (Martínez Meister, early 16th cent.). source
Valencia, Museo [cat.], 1955, p.327 (Maestro anónimo de Martínez Vallejo [no dates given]). source