Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Muntaner, Miguel

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Alternate Coll, Miguel Muntaner*
Alternate Montaner, Miguel
Alternate Muntaner y Coll, Miguel
L.C. NameMuntaner, Miguel, active 1802-approximately 1830
Region(s)Balearic Islands
MediaPainter and printmaker
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CreatedEG |D 1995 01 26 |T 17:36:56
CreatedEG |D 1995 01 26 |T 17:36:56
Bénézit, 1976 (Miguel Montaner or Muntaner, op.c.1830).
Busse, 1977 (Miguel Montaner or Muntaner, op.c.1830).
Gallego Gallego, 1979, p.311 (Miguel Muntaner y Coll, op. early 19th cent).
Thieme-Becker, v.25, 1931 (Miguel Montaner or Muntaner, op.c.1830).
Viñaza, v.3, 1894 (Miguel Montaner, doc.1802).