Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Moreto, Juan de

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Alternate Juanello el florentino
Alternate Moret, Juan (de)
Alternate Moreto Florentín (or Florentino), Juan (de)
Alternate Moreto, Giovanni
Alternate Moretti, Giovanni
Alternate Moretti, Juan de
Alternate Moretto, Giovanni
L.C. NameMoreto, Juan de, -before 1551
MediaSculptor and architect
NotesBorn in Italy; spent most of his professional life in Spain, where he died.
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CreatedMLH |D 1994 07 05 |T 10:17:50
CreatedMLH |D 1994 07 05 |T 10:17:50
Bibliographic Sources
Abbad Ríos, 1946, pp.217-218 (doc.1525-1536). source
Abbad Ríos, 1950, pp.53, 64 (Juan Moreto, doc.1521-m.1551). source
Abbad Ríos, La vida, 1945, pp.165-166 (also as Juan Moreto Florentín, doc.1520-m.1551?, possibly Florentine). source
Araujo Gómez, 1885, p.608 (Juan Moreto, op.1542). source
Arco [y Garay], 1925, pp.161-162 (also as Juanello el florentino, op.1520-m.a.1551, Florentine). source
Arco [y Garay], 1947, pp.231, 237 (op.1530-doc.1537, Florentine). source
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1958, p.137 (doc.1520-m.1551, Florentine). source
Bénézit, 1976 (also as Juan de Moretti, m.a.1551, Florentine). source
Bertaux, 1911, p.927 (Giovanni Moreto, op.a.1513-doc.1548, Florentine). source
Biurrun Sótil, 1935, pp.251, 253 (doc.1544-op.1546, Florentine). source
Buendía, 1988, p.232 (op.1542-1548). source
Camón Aznar, 1961, p.75 (also as Juan de Moreto Florentino, op.a.1513-m.1552, Florentine). source
Castro, v.2, 1949, pp.23, 54 (indexed as Juan Moreto, doc.1525-1542, Florentine). source
Ceán Bermúdez, 1800 (Juan Moreto, op.1542, Florentine). source
Checa, 1983, p.121 (Juan Moreto, op.1523). source
García Gainza, 1980, pp.137, 294 (op.1525-1535). source
Gómez-Moreno, 1931 repr. 1971, pp.17, 20, (op.1523-1544, Florentine). source
Hernansanz Merlo, 1988-1989, p.351 (op.1530-doc.1541). source
Marías, 1989, p.436 (Giovanni Moreto, op.c.1518-m.p.1535). source
Rubinstein, 1922, pp.33-34, 39 (also as Giovanni Moreto, doc.a.1513-op.1523, Florentine). source
Thieme-Becker, v.25, 1931 (also as Juan de Moretti, cross-referenced as Giov[anni] Moretti, op.1521-m.a.1551, Florentine). source
Torralba Soriano, 1977 repr. 1989, pp.256, 261 (also as Juan de Moreto florentino, or Giovanni Moretto or Moretti, op.1521-1544/1548, Florentine). source
Uranga Galdiano, 1947, pp.2, 34 (Juan de Moret, indexed as Juan Moret and Juan de Moreto [no dates given]). source
Viñaza, v.3, 1894, p.112 (Juan Moreto, op.1523, Florentine). source
Weise, v.2, 1959, pp.28-29 (Juan Moreto, op.1523-m.a.1551, Florentine). source