Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary
Moreto, Juan de |
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L.C. Name | Moreto, Juan de, -before 1551 | ||||||||||||||
Dates | doc.1520-m.a.1551 | ||||||||||||||
Region(s) | Aragon | ||||||||||||||
Media | Sculptor and architect | ||||||||||||||
Notes | Born in Italy; spent most of his professional life in Spain, where he died. | ||||||||||||||
Bibliographic Search | Search Frick Art Reference Library Catalog Search NYARC Catalog Search Worldcat |
Created | MLH |D 1994 07 05 |T 10:17:50 | ||||||||||||||
Created | MLH |D 1994 07 05 |T 10:17:50 | ||||||||||||||
Bibliographic Sources | |
Abbad Ríos, 1946, pp.217-218 (doc.1525-1536). source | |
Abbad Ríos, 1950, pp.53, 64 (Juan Moreto, doc.1521-m.1551). source | |
Abbad Ríos, La vida, 1945, pp.165-166 (also as Juan Moreto Florentín, doc.1520-m.1551?, possibly Florentine). source | |
Araujo Gómez, 1885, p.608 (Juan Moreto, op.1542). source | |
Arco [y Garay], 1925, pp.161-162 (also as Juanello el florentino, op.1520-m.a.1551, Florentine). source | |
Arco [y Garay], 1947, pp.231, 237 (op.1530-doc.1537, Florentine). source | |
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1958, p.137 (doc.1520-m.1551, Florentine). source | |
Bénézit, 1976 (also as Juan de Moretti, m.a.1551, Florentine). source | |
Bertaux, 1911, p.927 (Giovanni Moreto, op.a.1513-doc.1548, Florentine). source | |
Biurrun Sótil, 1935, pp.251, 253 (doc.1544-op.1546, Florentine). source | |
Buendía, 1988, p.232 (op.1542-1548). source | |
Camón Aznar, 1961, p.75 (also as Juan de Moreto Florentino, op.a.1513-m.1552, Florentine). source | |
Castro, v.2, 1949, pp.23, 54 (indexed as Juan Moreto, doc.1525-1542, Florentine). source | |
Ceán Bermúdez, 1800 (Juan Moreto, op.1542, Florentine). source | |
Checa, 1983, p.121 (Juan Moreto, op.1523). source | |
García Gainza, 1980, pp.137, 294 (op.1525-1535). source | |
Gómez-Moreno, 1931 repr. 1971, pp.17, 20, (op.1523-1544, Florentine). source | |
Hernansanz Merlo, 1988-1989, p.351 (op.1530-doc.1541). source | |
Marías, 1989, p.436 (Giovanni Moreto, op.c.1518-m.p.1535). source | |
Rubinstein, 1922, pp.33-34, 39 (also as Giovanni Moreto, doc.a.1513-op.1523, Florentine). source | |
Thieme-Becker, v.25, 1931 (also as Juan de Moretti, cross-referenced as Giov[anni] Moretti, op.1521-m.a.1551, Florentine). source | |
Torralba Soriano, 1977 repr. 1989, pp.256, 261 (also as Juan de Moreto florentino, or Giovanni Moretto or Moretti, op.1521-1544/1548, Florentine). source | |
Uranga Galdiano, 1947, pp.2, 34 (Juan de Moret, indexed as Juan Moret and Juan de Moreto [no dates given]). source | |
Viñaza, v.3, 1894, p.112 (Juan Moreto, op.1523, Florentine). source | |
Weise, v.2, 1959, pp.28-29 (Juan Moreto, op.1523-m.a.1551, Florentine). source |