Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Master of Játiva

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Alternate Játiva Master
Alternate Játiva, Master of
Alternate Master of the Seven Sorrows of Mary
Alternate Xátiva, Master of
L.C. NameMaestro de Játiva, active 1490-1515
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CreatedMLH |D 1994 07 06 |T 15:07:46
CreatedJAS |D 1998 04 25 |T 10:39:09
Bibliographic Sources
Aldana Fernández, 1970 (Maestro de Játiva, last quarter of 15th cent.-early 16th cent.). source
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1990, p.362 [no dates given]. source
Bénézit, 1976 (also as Maître des Sept Douleurs de Marie, early 16th cent.). source
Bordeaux, Galerie des Beaux-Arts [exh.], 1952, p.81 (op.c.1490). source
Camón Aznar, 1966, p.450 [no dates given]. source
Garín Ortiz de Taranco, 1978, p.177 [no dates given]. source
Gaya Nuño, Pintura, 1958, p.214 (Maestro de Játiva, end of 15th cent.). source
Gudiol Ricart, Pintura gótica, 1955, p.256 (late 15th cent.). source
Historia del arte valenciano, v.2, 1988, p.267 (Maestro de Xátiva, indexed as Maestro de Játiva). source
Lafuente Ferrari, Pintura, 1953, p.105 (16th cent.) source
London, Witt, 1978 (15th cent.). source
Olivar, 1963, p.146 (end of 15th cent.-early 16th cent.). source
Pérez Sánchez, Arte, 1985, pp.221-222 (end of 15th cent.; possibly the same as Maestro de [Master of] Santa Ana). source
Post, v.7, 1938, p.713 n.2 (Játiva Master, op.c.1500). source
Sale, Sotheby's, Monaco, June 17-18, 1988, p.5 lot 803 (also as Maître des Sept Douleurs de Marie, 16th cent.). source
Saralegui, 1947, p.38 n13 ([no dates given]; possibly the same as the Maestro de los Artés [Master of] Artés). source
Saralegui, 1951, p.221 [no dates given]. source
Thieme-Becker, v.37, 1950 (also as Meister der 7 Schmerzen Maria, end of 15th-beginning of 16th cent.). source
Toledo, Toledo Museum of Art [cat.], 1976, p.107 (op.c.1500). source