Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Nadal Ferragut, Jaume

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Alternate Ferragut, Jaume Nadal*
Alternate Nadal, Jaime
L.C. NameNadal Ferragut, Jaume, -1768
Region(s)Balearic Islands
PhotoarchiveSee Photoarchive Holdings for: Nadal Ferragut, Jaume
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CreatedDOI |D 1994 09 08 |T 10:24:03
CreatedDOI |D 1994 09 08 |T 10:24:03
Bibliographic Sources
Bénézit, 1976 (Jaime Nadal, m.1768). source
Furió, 1839, pp.124-125 (Jaime Nadal, doc.1765-m.1768). source
Sebastián [López], Arte, 1974, p.285. source
Thieme-Becker, v.25, 1931 (Jaime Nadal, m.1768). source
Viñaza, v.3, 1894, p.186 (Jaime Nadal, doc.1765). source