Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Nisart, Pedro (or Pere)

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Alternate Niçard, Pere
Alternate Nisard, Pedro
Alternate Nissart, Pere
L.C. NameNisart, Pedro, active 1468-1470
Region(s)Balearic Islands
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CreatedGUI |D 1994 09 08 |T 15:15:30
CreatedMLEWIN |D 1998 03 23 |T 13:23:18
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1990, p.370 (op.1468).
Barcelona, Pia Almoina [exh.], 1989, p.366 (Pere Niçard).
Bénézit, 1976 (also as Pedro Nisard, op.15th cent.).
Camón Aznar, 1966, p.427 (op.1468).
Gudiol Ricart, Pintura gótica, 1955, p.295 (op.1468-doc.1470).
Llompart, 1987, pp.32, 43 (Pere Nissart).
Llompart, v.1, 1977, p.89 (Pere Nisart, op.1468-doc.1470).
London, Witt, 1978 (also as Pedro Nisard).
Post, v.7, 1938, p.616 (op.1468-doc.1470).
Sebastián [López], Arte, 1974, p.218 (Pere Niçard, op.1468).
Sobré, 1989, p.339 (Pere Nisart).
Thieme-Becker, v.25, 1931 (also as Pedro Nisard, op.1468).
Toledo, Museo de Santa Cruz [exh.], 1992, p.561 (op.1468).
Yarza [Luaces], 1980, p.418.