Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Pérez del Valle, Francisco

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Alternate Del Valle, Francisco Pérez
Alternate Valle, Francisco Pérez del
L.C. NamePérez del Valle, Francisco, 1804-1884
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CreatedDOI |D 1994 09 22 |T 11:59:04
CreatedDOI |D 1994 09 22 |T 11:59:04
Bibliographic Sources
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1983, p.203 (Francisco Pérez Valle). source
Bénézit, 1976 (doc.1838-m.1884). source
Busse, 1977 (m.1884). source
Cid Priego, 1977, p.303 (Francisco Pérez Valle). source
Gaya Nuño, 1966, p.166 (Francisco Pérez Valle). source
Gómez-Moreno, 1993, p.54. source
Library of Congress (also as Francisco Pérez Del Valle, or Francisco Pérez del Valle). source
Madrid, RASF [cat.], v.2, 1991, p.232 (m.1884). source
Ossorio y Bernard, 1883-1884 (doc.1838-op.1870, contemporary). source
Pantorba, 1948, p.356 (exh.1858-m.1884). source
Pantorba, 1980, p.459 (n.c.1802-m.1884). source
Pardo Canalís, 1951, pp.133-134 (Francisco Pérez Valle, indexed as Francisco Pérez del Valle). source
Pardo Canalís, Pérez del Valle, 1985, pp.8, 35 (also as Francisco Pérez Valle). source
Suárez, v.6, 1957 (1804-1881). source
Thieme-Becker, v.26, 1932 (doc.1838-m.1884). source
Villa Pastur, 1981, p.148 (n.c.1802-m.1881). source