Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Ramos Artal, Manuel

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Alternate Artal, Manuel Ramos*
Alternate Ramos Arsal, Manuel
L.C. NameRamos Artal, Manuel, active 1876-1910
PhotoarchiveSee Photoarchive Holdings for: Ramos Artal, Manuel
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CreatedDOI |D 1994 09 27 |T 09:34:02
CreatedDOI |D 1994 09 27 |T 09:34:02
Bénézit, 1976 (Manuel Ramos Arsal [sic], 19th cent.).
Busse, 1977 (Manuel Ramos-Arsal [sic], 19th cent.).
Cien años de pintura, v.8, 1992 (exh.1876-1899).
Logroño, Museo de La Rioja [cat.], 1988, p.65 (exh.1876-1887).
Madrid, Centro Reina Sofía, 1991 [no dates given].
Ossorio y Bernard, 1883-1884 (exh.1876-1881).
Pantorba, 1948, p.357 (exh.1884-1887).
Pantorba, 1980, p.465 (exh.1880-1887).
Saragossa, Museo [cat.], 1984, p.156 (exh.1876-1887).
Zumel, 1990 (op.1880-1910).