Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Tomás, Rafael

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Alternate Thomás, Rafael (or Raffaele, or Raphaël)
L.C. NameTomás, Rafael, active 1455-1479
Region(s)Catalonia; Sardinia
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CreatedDOI |D 1994 10 05 |T 13:10:00
CreatedDOI |D 1994 10 05 |T 13:10:00
Aru, 1920, p.136 (Raffaele Thomas, op.1455-1456).
Bénézit, 1976 (Rafael Tomás or Thomas, op.1455-1456).
Cagliari, Pinacoteca Nazionale [cat.], v.1, 1988, p.22 (op.1455).
Camón Aznar, 1966, p.387 (op.1455).
Dalmases and José i Pitarch, 1984, p.274 (op.1479).
Durliat, 1954, p.116 (Raphaël Thomas, doc.1463-1470).
Gudiol [Ricart] and Alcolea i Blanch, 1986, p.202 (doc.1463-op.c.1470/1482).
King, 1923, p.67 (Rafael Thomás, op.1455-1456).
London, Witt, 1978 (Raffaele Thomas, op.1455-1456).
Post, v.7, 1938, pp.315, 317 (doc.1456-1465).
Ráfols, Diccionario, v.3, 1954 (op.1455-doc.1470).
Thieme-Becker, v.33, 1939 (also as Rafael Thomas, op.1455-1456).