Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Obregón, Diego de

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L.C. NameObregón, Diego de, active 1674
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CreatedIR2 |D 1994 10 19 |T 13:01:34
CreatedIR2 |D 1994 10 19 |T 13:01:34
Bibliographic Sources
Bénézit, 1976 (Diego Obregón, 17th cent.). source
Carrete Parrondo, Estampa barroca, 1987, pp.256, 292. source
Ceán Bermúdez, 1800. source
Domínguez Bordona and Ainaud [de Lasarte], 1962, p.297 (second half of 17th cent.). source
Gallego Gallego, 1979, pp.179 (op.1658-1692). source
Madrid, BN, Iconografía [cat.], v.5, 1970, p.359 (Diego Obregón, op. last third of 17th cent.). source
Páez Ríos, v.2, 1982, pp.305, 307 (Diego Obregón, op.1669-1693). source
Thieme-Becker, v.25, 1931 (17th cent., under Pedro de Obregón [the Younger]). source
Viñaza, v.3, 1894, p.194 (op.1677). source