Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Muñoz Rubio, Ramón

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Alternate Rubio, Ramón Muñoz*
L.C. NameMuñoz Rubio, Ramón, active 1878-1910
PhotoarchiveSee Photoarchive Holdings for: Muñoz Rubio, Ramón
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CreatedCDEA |D 1994 10 26 |T 15:20:02
CreatedCDEA |D 1994 10 26 |T 15:20:02
Bibliographic Sources
Banda y Vargas, 1991, p.225 [no dates given]. source
Cien años de pintura, v.6, 1991 (op.1887-exh.1910). source
Cuenca, 1923, pp.262-263 (op.1887-exh.1910). source
Gran Enciclopedia de Andalucia, 1979, v.6 (op. end of 19th cent.-beginning of 20th cent.). source
Madrid, Exposición de bellas artes [exh.], 1887, p.81 (contemporary). source
Ossorio y Bernard, 1883-1884 (exh.1878). source
Pantorba, 1948, pp.195, 202 (exh.1908-1910). source
Pantorba, 1980, p.446 (exh.1908-1910). source
Zumel, 1990 (exh.1908-1910). source