Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Ramírez, Juan

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L.C. NameRamírez, Juan, active 1515-1554
MediaPainter and manuscript painter
NotesDo not confuse with Juan Ramírez, op.1532-1548, or Juan Ramírez de Arellano [the Elder], 1680-1739, or Juan Ramírez de Arellano, n.c.1730-m.1782, also known as Juan Ramírez.
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CreatedDMR |D 1996 05 03 |T 13:13:36
CreatedMLEWIN |D 1998 04 20 |T 13:46:23
Bibliographic Sources
Ancona and Aeschlimann, 1949 (op. beginning of 16th cent.). source
Angulo Iñiguez, Pintura del Renacimiento, 1954, p.148 (op.1520-1554). source
Bénézit, 1976 (also as Jean Ramírez, op.1522-1538 [biographical information combined with that on Juan Ramírez, op.1532-1548 in Seville]). source
Bernales Ballesteros, Renacimiento, 1989, p.240. source
Blättel, 1992 (op.a.1515-op.1554). source
Camón Aznar, Pintura XVI, 1970, p.382 (op.1520-1554). source
Domínguez Bordona, 1957, p.143 (op.1552). source
Gómez Moreno, Sobre el Renacimiento, 1925, p.278 (op.c.1515-op.1554; the same as Juan Ramírez, active in Seville). source
Granada, Museo Bellas Artes [cat.], 1966, p.33 (op. first half of 16th cent.). source
London, Witt, 1978. source
Madrid, Sociedad de Amigos del Arte [exh.1924], 1929, p.160 (op.1520-1554). source
Post, v.10, 1950, pp.234-235 (op.c.1515-1554; probably distinct from Juan Ramírez [op.1532-1548]). source
Thieme-Becker, v.27, 1933 [biographical information combined with that on Juan Ramírez, op.1532-1548 in Seville]. source