Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Bruselas, Arnao de (or Arnal, or Arnau)

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Alternate Arnao de Bruselas
L.C. NameArnao, de Bruselas, active 16th century
NotesPossibly born in Flanders or the Netherlands; in Spain from 1545 until his death.
PhotoarchiveSee Photoarchive Holdings for: Bruselas, Arnao de (or Arnal, or Arnau)
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CreatedMPI |D 1990 07 10 |T 12:39:12
CreatedMLH |D 1997 03 14 |T 16:58:52
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1958, p.264 (op.1557-1560).
Chueca Goitia, 1953, p.289 (Arnal de Bruselas, op.1557).
Enciso Viana, 1981, pp.256, 262 (op.1549-1550).
Library of Congress (also as Arnao de Bruselas).
Ruiz-Navarro Pérez, 1971, pp.85, 87-88 (op.1538?-op.1563).
Ruiz-Navarro Pérez, 1981, pp.13, 15.
Uranga Galdiano, 1947, p.11 (Arnao de Bruselas [no dates given]).
Vicuña Ruiz, 1979, pp.61-62 (also as Arnau de Bruselas, op.1575).