Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Cerezo the Younger, Mateo

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Alternate Cerezo Delgado, Mateo
Alternate Cerezo, Mateo
Alternate Delgado, Mateo Cerez*
L.C. NameCerezo, Mateo, 1637-1666
NotesDo not confuse with Mateo Cerezo the Elder, n.c.1610/1615-m.p.1670.
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CreatedIMS |D 1990 08 28 |T 16:31:48
CreatedMLH2 |D 1997 10 06 |T 13:37:32
Bibliographic Sources
Bénézit, 1976 (1635-1685). source
Beruete y Moret, 1909 repr. 1911, pp.206, 210 (1635-1685). source
Buendía and Gutiérrez Pastor, 1986, p.11 (also as Mateo Cerezo Delgado, 1637-1666). source
Buendía, 1966, pp.280, 291 (Mateo Cerezo). source
Camón Aznar, 1978, pp.473-475 (op.1661-1664). source
Ceán Bermúdez, 1800 (1635-1685). source
Espasa, v.12 [after 1910] (Mateo Cerezo, 1635-1685). source
London, Witt, 1978 (1635-1685). source
Madrid, Prado [cat.], 1985, p.141 (Mateo Cerezo). source
Madrid, Prado [exh.], 1983-1984, p.205. source
Martín González, 1987, p.402 (1637-1666). source
Palomino, Vidas [1724], ed.1986, pp.239-241 (m.1675 at age 40, with editor's annotation of n.c.1626-m.1666). source
Thieme-Becker, v.6, 1912 (1635-1685). source
Tormo y Monzó, Valencia, [1932], fasc.2, p.152 (Mateo Cerezo, 1635-1675). source