Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Céspedes, Pablo de

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Alternate Cedaspe
Alternate Cedaspe, Paolo
Alternate De Céspedes, Pablo
L.C. NameCéspedes, Pablo de, 1548-1608
Region(s)Andalusia; Madrid
MediaPainter, architect, sculptor, and printmaker
NotesAlso known as an author.
PhotoarchiveSee Photoarchive Holdings for: Céspedes, Pablo de
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CreatedIMS |D 1990 08 28 |T 16:35:40
CreatedMLH2 |D 1997 10 06 |T 13:37:59
Bibliographic Sources
Bénézit, 1976 (also as Paolo Cedaspe). source
Camón Aznar, Pintura XVI, 1970, pp.407-409. source
Ceán Bermúdez, 1800 (n.1538-op.1608, shortly before his death). source
Havlice, Artistic Biography, v.1, 1973 (also as Cedaspe). source
Library of Congress (also as Pablo De Céspedes). source
London, Witt, 1978 (also as Paolo Cedaspe). source
Madrid, Calcografía [cat.], 1987, p.80 no.916 [no dates given]. source
Marías, 1989, pp.309, 479. source
Martínez Ripoll, 1987, pp.138, 155 (op.1593-m.1608). source
Palomino, Vidas [1724], ed.1986, pp.80-84 (m.1608, at age 70, with editor's annotation of n.c.1538-m.1608). source
Serrera, 1984, pp.370, 373 (op.1586-1592). source
Thieme-Becker, v.6, 1912 (also as Paolo Cedaspe). source