Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Castillo, José (or Josef) del

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L.C. NameCastillo, José del, 1737-1793
MediaPainter and printmaker
PhotoarchiveSee Photoarchive Holdings for: Castillo, José (or Josef) del
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CreatedMPI |D 1990 09 12 |T 17:00:29
CreatedMLH2 |D 1997 10 06 |T 13:31:27
Bibliographic Sources
Aguilera, 1946, p.23. source
Bénézit, 1976. source
Bottineau, 1986, p.295 n.84. source
Ceán Bermúdez, 1800 (Josef del Castillo). source
Espasa, v.12 [after 1910]. source
London, Witt, 1978. source
Madrid, Calcografía [cat.], 1987, p.30. source
Madrid, Prado [cat.], 1977, p.21. source
Páez Ríos, v.1, 1981, p.222. source
Ruiz Alcón, 1984, p.18 (op. last third 18th cent.). source
Sambricio, 1958, pp.7, 31. source
Sánchez Cantón, 1965, pp.208, 218. source
Thieme-Becker, v.6, 1912. source
Tokyo, Seibu Museum [trav. exh.], 1987, p.210. source
Urrea [Fernández], 1983, p.520. source