Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary
Garcés de Marcilla, Inés exh.1845-1846 |
Valencia | ||
García Alegría, Fernando 1896-1952 |
Basque Country | Do not confuse with Fernando García, m.1877, painter and... | |
García Alsina, María exh.1894 |
Barcelona | ||
García Asarta, Inocencio 1861-1921 |
Basque Country; Barcelona; Madrid | Resided in Rome in the 1880's, and in Paris... | |
García Barcia, Manuel op.1858-exh.1879 |
Cádiz | ||
García Benito, Eduardo 1891-1981 |
Valladolid; Madrid | Born in Valladolid; resided in Paris from 1912-1923, and from... | |
García Bouzas, Miguel Antonio n.1697-doc.1752 |
Galicia | Painter and gilder | Do not confuse with Juan Antonio García de Bouzas n.c... |
García Bustamante, Luis n.1900-exh.1969 |
Basque Country | Also a physician... | |
García Cabré 19th C. |
García Camio, Pedro 1897-1963 |
Madrid | ||
García Carrió, Angel 1886-1972 |
Asturias; Barcelona | Also known as an author... | |
García Chicano, José 1775-1858 |
Andalusia | ||
García Condoy, Honorio 1900-1953 |
Saragossa; Madrid; Barcelona | Sculptor | |
García Condoy, Julio 1889-1977 |
Aragon | ||
García de Arredondo, Carmen exh.1895-1906 |
Madrid | ||
García de Benabarre, Pere (or Pedro) op.1445-1496 |
Catalonia; Aragon | ||
García de Bouzas, Juan Antonio n.c.1680-m.1755 |
Galicia; Madrid | Painter and gilder | Do not confuse with Miguel Antonio García de Bouzas, n... |
García de Giner, Laura exh.1894-1901 |
Andalusia | ||
García de Giralt, María exh.1893-1898 |
Barcelona | Not found in the catalog of the Spanish pavilion in... | |
García de la Cal, Francisco exh.1881-m.1899 |
Madrid | ||
García de la Cruz, Encarnación exh.1895 |
Cantabria | ||
García de Laguardia, Juan op.1374-m.1389 |
Navarre | Architect and mason | |
García de Michelena, Amalia exh.1854-1856 |
Andalusia | ||
García de Miranda, Juan 1677-1749 |
Madrid | ||
García de Santiago, Bartolomé n.c.1680-op.1743 |
Seville | Sculptor |