Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary
Gasull, Agustín op.1689-1710 |
Valencia | ||
Gasull, María exh.1894 |
Barcelona | ||
Gato de Lema, Carlos 1820-1883 |
Madrid | ||
Gatón, Joan (or Juan) doc.1509-1571 |
Catalonia | Painter and gilder | |
Gatuellas Ferrer, María exh.1920-1921 |
Barcelona | ||
Gaucelm, Jalbert (or Jaubert) [n.1378/1379]-doc.1434 |
Catalonia | ||
Gaudí, Antoni (or Antonio) 1852-1926 |
Barcelona | Architect, landscape architect, and furniture designer. | |
Gaudí, Fra Lluís Pasqual 1556-1621 |
Catalonia; Seville | ||
Gausachs Armengol, Josep (or José) 1891-1959 |
Barcelona | Resided in Paris and Santo Domingo from 1939 until his... | |
Gay, C. op.1890-1906 |
Gayllard, Mateu op.1575 |
Gazo, Félix 1899-1933 |
Aragon | Illustrator, cartoonist and painter | |
Gener, Guerau n.1369-m.1409/1410 |
Barcelona; Valencia | ||
Gerino, Rosalía doc.1832 |
Madrid | ||
Gerona, School of, Anonymous Painters of |
Gerona, School of, Anonymous Sculptors of |
Gessa Arias, Sebastián 1840-1920 |
Cádiz; Madrid | ||
Gessler Shaw, Alejandrina 1831-1907 |
Cádiz | Also known as an author... | |
Giachineti González, Juan n.c.1630-m.1696 |
Madrid | Born in Madrid and later in his life moved to... | |
Gibert Roig, Pau (or Pablo) n.1853-exh.1892 |
Tarragona | Painter and sculptor | |
Gil Bergasa, Justino n.1890-exh.1919 |
Aragon | Painter and printmaker | |
Gil de Hontañón the Younger, Juan op.c.1525-1544 |
Salamanca and Valladolid | Architect | Do not confuse with Juan Gil de Hontañón, his father... |
Gil de Hontañón, Juan op.1498-m.1526 |
Castile; Andalusia | Architect | Do not confuse with Juan Gil de Hontañón the Younger... |
Gil de Hontañón, Rodrigo [n.1505/1506]-m.1577 |
Architect | Also known as an architectural theorist... | |
Gil de Mena, Felipe 1600-1673 |
Valladolid; Madrid | Painter and printmaker |