The Montias Database of 17th Century Dutch Art Inventories
[anonymous] |
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Inventory # | 610 | |
Archive | Gemeentearchief Amsterdam | |
Call Number | WK 5073/958 | |
Date | 1625/09/23 | |
City | Amsterdam | |
Country | Nederland | |
Type | Orphan Chamber | |
Purpose | auction | |
Family Name | [anonymous] | |
Owner Name | [anonymous] | |
Owner Notes | goods sold at request of Cornelis de Bruyn | |
Life Dates | ?|d 1648/01/20 |n Bruyn | |
Marriage Date | 1619/10/25 | |
Type of Ceremony | pui | |
Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |a Spices, East Indies products | |
Residence | In the house of Jan Dircksz. [van Beuningen] in Amsterdam. | |
Introduction | Op den 23en september anno 1625 zijn ten versoecke van Cornelis de Bruyn dese naervolgende schilderijen vercoft. [The sale continued on 27 September ten versoeck van Cornelis de Bruijn]. | |
Commentary | Cornelis de Bruyn, at whose request the paintings were sold, lived for some time in Cologne, where he carried on a business in goods that were shipped to or from Hamburg, Bremen, Emden, Rouen, Calais and London. He invested 3,000 f. in V.O.C. shares (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 247). On 25 October 1619, Cornelis Claesz. de Bruijn, cruijdenier (dealer in spices), was betrothed to Catharina Saverij. He was living on the Angeliersstraet, she was living in Utrecht (DTB 763/74). On 25 January 1626, his child Maria was baptized. The witness was Henrick Lambertsz. Roghman, engraver (DTB 40/330). Catharina Savery was the daughter of the painter Jacob (or Jacques) Savery, who died in 1603. She was the sister of Marie Savery who married Hendrick Lambertsz. in 1623. Cornelis de Bruyn was a buyer also at W.K. auction (R 22516). The following document probably refers to the same Cornelis de Bruijn. On 21 December 1637, Ludewijn de Bruijn, widow of Joannes de Leeuw, notary in Utrecht, declared that her brothers Jan and Cornelis de Bruijn were coming to live with her and that they had brought some goods that she could use in precario. The only paintings mentioned were a painted deer's head, and two bortgens of Moses with oak frames (NA 598, fol. 493-4, Not. Lamberti). If the identification is correct, Cornelis de Bruijn had suffered some reverses (but see also the NOTES to R 22516 of Montias2. He was buried on 20 January 1648 (DTB 1100A/79). He was the brother of Abraham de Bruijn of R 21943 of Montias2. | |
Notary | Jan Dircx van Beuningen | |
Total Value | 241 |d 3 stuivers | |
Art Value | 241 |d 3 stuivers | |
# of Items | 36 | |
Montias1 # | 510 |
Lot | Type | Artist | Title | Subject | Verbatim Entry |
0001 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | Abigel | OLD TESTAMENT |
1 bort van Abigel f 9:10:--
0002 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | een somertje | LANDSCAPE |
no. 7 1 schilderij van een somertje f 17:--:--
0003 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | hoenderen | ANIMALS |
no.27 1 schilderijtgen van hoenderen f 6:10:--
0004 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | daar bedelaars bancketeren | GENRE |
no. 6 1 schilderijtgen daar bedelaars bancketeren f 8: 5:--
0005 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | schepen | SHIPS, SEASCAPE |
no.20 1 schilderij van schepen f 9: 5:--
0006 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | bordeeltge | GENRE |
no.30 1 bordeeltge f 15:15:--
0007 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | de brant van Troyen | GREEK, ROMAN, OTHER SAGAS |
no.10 de brant van Troyen f 6:10:--
0008 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | fruijt | STILL LIFE |
no.24 1 fruijt bortge f 8:15:--
0009 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | speelluij | GENRE |
no.16 1 deel speelluij f 37: 5:--
0010 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | bordeeltge | GENRE |
no.8 1 bordeeltge f 9:--:--
0011 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | bosschagie | LANDSCAPE |
no.18 1 bosschagie opgehouden [the entry is crossed out]
0012 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | bordeeltge | GENRE |
no.15 1 bordeeltge f 16:--:--
0013 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | tempeest | SHIPS, SEASCAPE |
no.5 1 tempeest f 11:--:--
0014 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | St. Petrus daer hij hem warmt | NEW TESTAMENT |
no.12 van St. Petrus daer hij hem warmt f 9: 5:--
0015 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | ouweertge | SHIPS, SEASCAPE |
no.30 1 ouweertge met walvisbeene [crossed out: ebben] lijst f 12:10:--
0016[a] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | dootshoofd | STILL LIFE |
[crossed out: no.28, no.9 2 van dootshoofden 1 van Frans Floris] opgehouden
0016[b] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | dootshoofd | STILL LIFE |
[crossed out: no.28, no.9 2 van dootshoofden 1 van Frans Floris] opgehouden
0016[c] | painting | FLORIS, FRANS (I) | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
[crossed out: no.28, no.9 2 van dootshoofden 1 van Frans Floris] opgehouden
0017 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | St. Paulus | NEW TESTAMENT |
[crossed out: no.2 St. Paulus opghouden]
0018 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | Christus geteemteert van den duijvel | NEW TESTAMENT |
no.7 Christus geteemteert van den duijvel f 4:15:--
0019 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | zeetgen | SHIPS, SEASCAPE |
[crossed out: no.5 een zeetgen opgehouden]
0020 | painting | SAVERY, ROELANDT | koeyen in de wey | LANDSCAPE |
no.25 koeyen in de wey van Saverij f 10:--:--
0021 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | gapaert | GENRE |
no.21 een een [sic] gapaert [crossed out: bloempott] f 6:15:--
0022 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | landtschap van den sandwyen | LANDSCAPE |
no.13 een landtschap van den sandwyen f 8:--:--
0023[a] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
3 cleyne schilderijtgens f 3:--:--