Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Gascó, Pere (or Pedro, or Perot)

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Alternate Gascó II
Alternate Gascó II, J.
Alternate Gascó, P.
L.C. NameGascó, Pere, active 1507-1549
PhotoarchiveSee Photoarchive Holdings for: Gascó, Pere (or Pedro, or Perot)
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CreatedJRV |D 1991 05 24 |T 15:18:43
CreatedJRV |D 1991 05 24 |T 15:18:43
Bibliographic Sources
Alcolea [i] Blanch, Sala Gascó, 1989, n.p. and captions for plates 16-17, 19. source
Alcolea i Blanch, Letter dated May 28, 1993. source
Angulo Iñiguez, Pintura del Renacimiento, 1954, p.70 (Gascó II, op.1525). source
Bénézit, 1976 (16th cent.). source
Checa, 1983, p.148 (Pedro Gascó, indexed as P. Gascó, as distinct from J. Gascó II [in fact the same artist], op.1525). source
Espasa, v.25, 1924 (Pedro Gascó, under Juan Gascó [Joan Gascó], op.1522-1546). source
Garriga, 1986, pp.64, 150 (also as Perot Gascó). source
Gudiol i Cunill, 1907, pp.284, 292 (also as Perot Gascó, doc.1528). source
London, Witt, 1978 (also as Pedro Gascó, op.1522-1546). source
Marías, 1989, p.164 (Perot Gascó, doc.1507). source
Post, v.12, 1958, pp.231, 233 (Pedro Gascó, doc.1529-op.1549). source
Ráfols, Diccionario, v.1, 1951 (op.1533-1549). source
Thieme-Becker, v.13, 1920 (op.1522-1546, under Joan Gascó). source