Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Borrassà, Honorat (or Honorato)

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L.C. NameBorrassà, Honorato, active 1453
NotesAs noted by Gudiol Ricart in 1953, the name Borrassà may refer to several members of a family of artists and has been recorded with numerous variants, including Borreça, Borraçan, Borracianus, Borrassan, and Borrasanus.
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CreatedMPI |D 1989 10 10 |T 12:59:08
CreatedMLH |D 1996 09 10 |T 15:29:12
Bibliographic Sources
Ainaud de Lasarte, 1991, p.95. source
Alcolea i Blanch, Letter received September 10, 1992. source
Bénézit, 1976 (Honorato Borrassá, 15th cent.). source
Constans, 1978, p.221 (Honorato Borrassá, doc.1453). source
Dalmases and José i Pitarch, 1984, p.210 (doc.1425-1435). source
Gudiol [Ricart] and Alcolea i Blanch, 1986, p.75. source
Gudiol Ricart, 1953, pp.7, 9-10 (Honorato Borrassá [no dates given]). source
London, Witt, 1978 (Honorato Borrassá, op.1453). source
Ráfols, Diccionario, v.1, 1951 (op.1453). source
Thieme-Becker, v.4, 1910 (Honorato Borrassá, op.1453). source