Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Galerie Charpentier

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role Auction_House Dealer/Gallery
dates 1924-1960
city Paris
sex n/a
historical notes Jean Charpentier (1891-1976) established the gallery in Paris, the gallery was known as the Hôtel Jean Charpentier or the Galerie Jean Charpentier.

Raymond Nacenta purchased the gallery in 1941 and operated under the same name until 1961.

Nacenta put on a seris of thematic exhibitions, including 100 portraits de femmes, Les célébrités françaises. In 1954, Nacenta began regular exhibitions of the l'Ecole de Paris.

Some records of the Galerie Charpentier are located at the Documentation of the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.

of activity
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:22
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