Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Annenberg, Walter H., 1908-2002

print view
role Collector
dates 1908-2002
city New York City
other citiesMilwaukee, WI; Trenton, NJ; Wynnewood, PA;
sex M
historical notes Philanthropist, art collector and communications mogul. His collection of French impressionist art was donated to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

Enid Annenberg Haupt, one of Annenberg's seven sisters, started him on collecting in 1945-1950. His first purchases were van Gogh's ''Olive Trees'' and Monet's ''Stroller,'' a portrait of the artist's stepdaugher, Suzanne Hoschede.

M. L. Annenberg Foundation; married, Leonore Cohn Rosenstiel.

Wallis Annenberg (1940- ): Wallis was Walter Annenberg’s only living child (daughter) and vice-president of the Annenberg Foundation. She has been credited with continuing her father's legacy of philanthropic giving.

of activity
updated 02/04/2025 15:26:34
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Archives/Repository Collection Title Collection Details
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Hobson Pittman papers, 1916-1990. see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Peter Hurd and Henriette Wyeth Hurd papers, 1917-1993 see details...
University of Pennsylvania, University Archives and Records Center
North Arcade, Franklin Field
University of Pennsylvania. University Relations. News and Public Affairs. Records, 1912-1993. see details...
University of Akron
Archival Services, Polsky Building
John Shively Knight Papers, 1894-1981, bulk 1920-1981. see details...
New York Times
Clifton Daniel Papers, 1955-1977. see details...
Library of Congress
Manuscript Division
The archive collection of Ambassador Walter H. Annenberg. see details...
University of Pennsylvania
Rare Book & Manuscript Library Collections
Correspondence with Carl Zigrosser, n.d. see details...
University of Pennsylvania
Rare Book & Manuscript Library Collections
Correspondence with Eugene Ormandy, 1978-1982. see details...
Bentley Historical Library
University of Michigan
Arthur Hendrick Vandenberg papers, 1884-1974. see details...
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Evan H. Turner Records, 1964-1978 see details...
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Anne d'Harnoncourt Records, 1973-2008, n.d.
see details...
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Henri Gabriel Marceau Director Records, 1955-1964 see details...

see also:
Haupt, Enid A. (Enid Annenberg), 1906-2005
Annenberg, Lee