Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Lea, Henry Charles, 1825-1909

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role Collector
dates 1825-1909
city Philadelphia
other citiesWilmington, DE;
sex M
historical notes Henry Charles Lea was a collector, author, banker, scientist, publisher, and a historian of medieval Europe. He wrote extensively on the institutional and legal history of the Catholic Church. He wrote a series of books on the Inquisition, beginning with A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages (1888) and continuing with A History of the Inquisition of Spain (1906-1907) and The Inquisition in the Spanish Dependencies (1908). He collected materials related to witchcraft beliefs, the prosecution of witches by the Inquisition, and contemporary reports of witchcraft.

In order to conduct his research using primary sources in European and Latin American archives, Lea arranged to have documents in those archives copied and sent to him. Through purchases, Henry Charles Lea acquired a major library of primary and secondary source materials relating to medieval European history, all of which were donated to the University of Pennsylvania upon his death.
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updated 02/14/2025 10:12:27
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Archives/Repository Collection Title Collection Details
University of Pennsylvania
Rare Book & Manuscript Library Collections
Henry Charles Lea papers see details...
University of Pennsylvania
Rare Book & Manuscript Library Collections
Henry Charles Lea research collection on the Inquisition see details...
University of Pennsylvania
Rare Book & Manuscript Library Collections
Miscellaneous manuscripts, 1845-1882. see details...
University of Pennsylvania
Rare Book & Manuscript Library Collections
Anna Caroline Jaudon Lea letters to Henry Charles Lea see details...
University of Pennsylvania
Rare Book & Manuscript Library Collections
Henry Charles Lea family letters see details...

see also:
Lea, Isaac, 1792-1886
Lea, M. Carey (Mathew Carey), 1823-1897