Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Belmont, August, 1813-1890

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role Collector Patron
dates 1813-1890
city New York City
other citiesAlzey, Germany; Frankfort, Germany; Naples, Italy; Havana, Cuba; The Hague, The Netherlands;
sex M
historical notes August Belomont was a collector, banker, diplomat, patron of the arts, and sportsman (August Belmont & Company).

A portion of Belmont's collection sold in 1872 via Leavitt Art Galleries realizing $52,250.

According to Art Treasures of America, he owned
works by A. Achenbach, Q. Becker, H. Bellange, Perry Belmont, F. Berg, A. Bierstadt, Pierre Billet, David Bles, Rosa Bonheur, Leon Bonnat, J. Bosboom, G.H. Boughton, W.A Bouguereau, C. Brias, A. Calame, N. Capobianchi, Ch. Chaplin, J.W. Chavet, P.J. Clays, M. Courant, C.F. Daubigny, A.G. Decamps, M.F.H. De Haas, N. De Keyser, P. Delaroche, E.Delassard, A, Delassard, F. De Mesgrigny, E. Detaille, L. De Winter, N. Diaz, A. Dillens, Jules Dupre, Tony Faivre, Jean Fauvelet, J. Fracquelin, E. Frere, E. Fromentin, Louis Gallait, J.L. Gerome, J. Geyer, Firmin Girard, A. Gues, A. M. Guillemin, W.J. Hays, E. Hebert, A. Herligers, J.B. Irving, Ch. Jacque, G. Jacquet, E. Johnson, L. Knaus, B.C. Koekkoek, J.D. Koelmann, Baron H. Leys, J.B Madou, J.L.E Meissonier, H, Merle, Louis Meyer, N.J.J Nuyen, B.P. Ommegnck, Justin Ouvrie, J Palizzi, V.Pienemann, A.E. Plassan, A. Riedel, L. Robbe, Leopold Robert, T. Rousseau, S. Saint-Jean, A. Schelfhout, E.A Schmidt, A. Schreyer, A. Stevens, A.F. Tait, A. Tidemand, J.B. Trayer, C. Troyon, H. Van Hove, E. Van Marcke, B. Vautier, H. Vernet, Jose Villegas, C. Voillemot, F. Willems, W. Wylds, F. Ziem.

Belmont served as an American Minister in the 1860's and upon his return brought with him French, Dutch, and Belgian pictures.

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updated 02/14/2025 10:12:22
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Archives/Repository Collection Title Collection Details
New York Public Library, Manuscripts and Archives Division
Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, Rm 328
August Belmont papers, 1853-1887 (MssCol 257) see details...
Columbia University Libraries

Butler Library, 6th Fl. East,
Belmont Family Papers 1799-1930 see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
August Jaccaci papers, 1889-1935 (bulk 1904-1914). see details...
The Getty Research Institute
Research Libraries, Archives and Special Collections
M. Knoedler & Co. records, approximately 1848-1971 see details...

see also:
Belmont, Oliver H. P. (Oliver Hazard Perry), 1858-1908