historical notes
William Backhouse Astor, Jr. was a collector, businessman and a member of the prominent Astor family.
According to Art Treasures of America, he owned works by: O. Achenbach, C.E. Armand-Dumaresq, A. Autherroche, C. Baugniet, J. Benedicter, E.P. Berne0Bellecour, E. Betsellere, G. Boldini, W.A. Bouguereau, J. Breton, A. Cabanel, Joseph Caraud, J.P. Clays, J.B.C. Corot, A. Couder, A.G. Decamps, Ed. Detaille, Cesare Detti, N. Diaz, Jules Didier, F. Domingo, L.H. Dupray, E. Fromentin, J.L. Gerome, Firmin Girard, Antonio Gisbert, Ed. Heilbuth, Leo Hermann, J. Hernandez, D.L. Huntington, J.G. Jacquet, Adolphe Jourdan, Jules Lefebvre, Maurice Leloir,Leon Y Escosura, Hector Leroux, J.B. Madou, R. Madrazo, J. L. E. Meissonier, H. Merle, M. Munkacsy, Victor Nehlig, F.A. Ortmans, V. Palmroli, H.E.F. Philippoteaux, Ad. Piot, Edouard Richter, A. Rossetti, Lucian Rossi, F. Roybet, Ad. Schreyer, V. St. Lerche, A. Toulmouche, C. Troyon, E. Van Marcke, J. G. Vibert, George Washington, F. Ziem.