Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Kahn, Adelaide Wolff

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role Collector
dates 1875-1949
city New York City
other citiesMorristown, NJ; Palm Beach, FL; Huntington, NY; Woodbury, NY;
sex F
historical notes Addie Wolff Kahn was a collector, patron, widow of New York banker Otto H. Kahn (1867-1934) and daughter of Abraham Wolff (1839-1900), a partner in the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co..

Mr. and Mrs. Kahn’s collection included work by Franz Hals, Rembrandt, Lorenzo Lotto, Lorenzo de Credi, Botticelli, Carpaccio, Lucas Cranch, Giovanni Bellini, Mantegna, Sansovino, Andrea Pisano, Gerard David, Martin Schoengauer, Boucher, Nattier, Clouet, Canova, Corot, Gaddi, Canaletto, Gaurdi, Romney and Matisse.

Mrs. Kahn served as a director of the Metropolitan Opera Association and as president and director of the Manhattan School of Music. Mrs. Kahn was also vice president of the Rachmaninoff Memorial Fund and president of the National Music League, a patroness of the Queens Symphony Society, a member of the old Society of the Friends of Music, a contributor to the Town Hall endowment Fund, a lay member of the Grand Central Art Galleries and a member of the honorary committee of "Masterpieces of Art," exhibited at the New York World's Fair.

Other philanthropic and health organizations with which Addie Kahn was involved included the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, the Women's Trade Union League, and the Country Home for Convalescent Babies at Sea Cliff, Long Island, and the Huntington, Long Island Hospital. She was also active in the Federation of Women's Clubs, and served on the executive committee of the New York Women's Division of the Committee for the Marshall Plan to Aid European Recovery.

of activity
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:24
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Archives/Repository Collection Title Collection Details
Historical Collections, Baker Library
Bloomberg Center, Harvard Business School
Lehman Brothers. Records, 1868-1986 (inclusive) see details...
Princeton University
Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections
Otto H. Kahn Papers ©2007 Princeton University Library see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Jane Wade papers regarding Curt Valentin, 1903-1971 see details...

see also:
Kahn, Otto Hermann, 1867-1934