Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Rosenberg, Léonce, 1879-1947

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role Collector Dealer/Gallery
dates 1879-1947
city Paris
sex M
historical notes Léonce Rosenberg (1879-1947), art collector, dealer and publicist, son of Alexandre, was born in Paris on September 12, 1879 to a family of four children: brothers Edmond and Paul and a sister Marie-Amélie.

In 1910 Léonce left the family-owned gallery to open his own business, called Haute Epoque, at 19 rue de La Baume, Paris 8. Although considered an antiquarian, Rosenberg began buying cubist art: by 1914 he purchased work by Pablo Picasso, Auguste Herbin, and Juan Gris. After brief service in World War I (1916-1917) he continued his interest and represented, for varying periods of time, Picasso, Auguste Herbin, Fernand Léger, and Gris, among others and by the end of the war opened a new gallery, l'Effort Moderne.

On October 19, 1921 the Léonce Rosenberg collection was sold in Amsterdam while l'Effort Moderne continued to operate until 1941. Rosenberg died in Neuilly-sur-Seine on July 31, 1947.

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updated 02/14/2025 10:12:22
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Archives/Repository Collection Title Collection Details
The Museum of Modern Art
Library and Archives
Léonce Rosenberg papers, correspondence relating to Cubism, 1914-1932. see details...

Bibliothèque Kandinsky

Correspondance échangée entre Léonce Rosenberg et Max Ernst see details...
Bibliothèque Kandinsky

Correspondance échangée entre Léonce Rosenberg et André Lhote see details...
Bibliothèque Kandinsky

Correspondance échangée entre Léonce Rosenberg et Gustave Miklos see details...
The Museum of Modern Art
Library and Archives
The Paul Rosenberg Archives, 1905-2000 see details...
The Museum of Modern Art
Library and Archives
James Johnson Sweeney Papers, ca. 1930s-1960s see details...
The Getty Research Institute
Research Libraries, Archives and Special Collections
Douglas Cooper papers, 1900-1985, bulk 1933-1985. see details...
Durand-Ruel et Cie
Durand-Ruel Archives see details...

see also:
Rosenberg, Paul, 1881-1959
Galerie de l'Effort Moderne
Paul Rosenberg & Co.
Rosenberg, Alexandre