Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Lang, Florence Rand, 1851-1943

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role Artist Collector
dates 1862-1943
city Montclair
other citiesWestfield, MA; Washington, Nantucket, RI; Pasadena, CA;
sex F
historical notes Florence Osgood Rand Lang inherited a fortune from her father, Jasper Rand of Ingersoll-Rand, and cultural inspiration from her mother, Annie Valentine Rand, an avid collector of Native American art.

The Rand Collection, begun by her mother and significantly augmented by Lang, encompassed several hundred objects- baskets, clothing, jewelry, weaponry, games, tools, and household item- that revealed the country’s cultural traditions.

Lang's collecting endeavors were guided by Grace Nicholson, considered by many to be the single mast important dealer in Native American art of the 20th century.

Lang also opened the Easy Street Gallery, the island’s lone arts outlet from 1923 to her death in 1943.

Husband:Lang, Henry, 1864-1930
of activity
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:26
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Archives/Repository Collection Title Collection Details
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Victor D. Spark papers, circa 1830-1983, bulk 1930-1970 see details...
Nantucket Historical Association
Library & Archives
1000 - Map & Chart Collection, 1626-[open] see details...
Nantucket Historical Association
Library & Archives
Collection 57 - Grace Brown Gardner Collection, 1900-1962 see details...
The Frick Collection and Frick Art Research Library
10 East 71st Street
Florence Rand Lang: artist file : study photographs and reproductions of works of art with accompanying documentation 1920-2000 [graphic]. see details...

see also:
Nicholson, Grace, -1948