Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Janis, Sidney, 1896-1989

print view
role Collector Dealer/Gallery
dates 1896-1989
city New York City
other citiesParis, France; Buffalo, NY;
sex M
historical notes Clothing manufacturer, art collector and dealer, Janis owned and operated the Sidney Janis Gallery in New York.

Sidney Janis began collecting paintings in 1926 and opened his gallery in New York in 1949 with an exhibition of works by Léger, whom he had known in Paris. The gallery is closed.

Janis and his wife, Harriet, made annual trips to Paris, where they met Mondrian, Picasso, Léger, Brancusi, and other masters. By the early 1930s, they had acquired a number of major works by Picasso, Matisse, De Chirico, Dalí, Mondrian, and the self-taught master Henri Rousseau. In New York, Sidney and Harriet Janis became good friends with Gorky, Keisler, and Duchamp, all of whom often visited their apartment.
of activity
updated 02/04/2025 15:26:33
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Archives/Repository Collection Title Collection Details
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Oral history interview with Sidney Janis, 1972 Mar. 21-Sept. 26 see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Oral history interview with Sidney Janis, 1972 Mar. 21-Sept. 26 see details...
The Museum of Modern Art
Library and Archives
Subject file : Sidney Janis Gallery: miscellaneous uncataloged material. see details...
The Getty Research Institute
Research Libraries, Archives and Special Collections
Roberto Sebastián Matta Echaurren Letter, ca. 1960, to Sidney Janis. see details...
The Museum of Modern Art
Library and Archives
MoMA History Interviews see details...

see also:
Sidney Janis Gallery