Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Morris, John Thompson, 1847-1915

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role Collector
dates 1847-1915
city Philadelphia
sex M
historical notes John Thompson Morris (1847-1915), the president of I.P. Morris and Company, an ironworks concern, was a decorative art collector and a founder of the Morris Arboretum.

Morris gifted his collection which he formed with his sister, Lydia T Morris (1849-1932), to the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art (now the Philadelphia Museum of Art), where he had served as a Trustee for twenty-three years and as Vice President of the museum’s corporation from 1897 to 1904.

His gift of 1,500 objects included modern European glassware and metalwork, American ceramics from the mid to late 18th century and 19th century, 12th-15th century tiles, and Japanese sculpture and arms and armor of the Edo Period.

Morris and his sister’s summer estate “Compton" in the Chestnut Hill area became the Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania in 1932.

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updated 02/14/2025 10:12:29
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Archives/Repository Collection Title Collection Details
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Edwin Atlee Barber Records, 1901-1916 see details...
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Langdon Warner Records, 1917-1923 see details...
The Historical Society of Pennsylvania
1300 Locust Street
Louise Kellner Diaries 1889-1903. see details...
The Historical Society of Pennsylvania
1300 Locust Street
Catalogue of the library belonging to the late John T. Morris, esquire, at Philadelphia. see details...
The Historical Society of Pennsylvania
1300 Locust Street
The Morris House see details...
The Historical Society of Pennsylvania
1300 Locust Street
Gardener's cottage for John T. Morris esq. Chestnut Hill, Pa. Cope and Stewardson, architects see details...
The Historical Society of Pennsylvania
1300 Locust Street
Addition to house at 826 Pine St. Phila. Pa. for Mr. John T. Morris. Baily and Bassett archt's
see details...
The Historical Society of Pennsylvania
1300 Locust Street
Fruitfulness in old age : a sermon preached in the Central Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn, November 12, 1865 ; on the occasion of the death of John Morris / by J. E. Rockwell, D.D. ; published by request. see details...
Morris Arboretum Archives
University of Pennsylvania
The Morris Arboretum Archives see details...
Hagley Museum and Library
Manuscripts & Archives Dept.
Morris travel albums, 1881-1906 see details...
Hagley Museum and Library
Manuscripts & Archives Dept.
Morris Family Papers, 1684-1935. see details...