Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

E. Weyhe, Inc.

print view
role Dealer/Gallery
dates 1919-1994
city New York City
sex n/a
historical notes Weyhe Gallery, est. 1919 by Erhard Weyhe (1883-1972), was one of the first galleries in New York to specialize in prints.

The Wehye Book store, also owned by Erhard Weyhe, was located in the same location at 794 Lexington Avenue.

Carl Zigrosser was gallery director from 1919 until 1940. Gertrude Dennis, Weyhe's daughter, operated the gallery and book store after Erhard's death in 1972 until her death in 2003.

Deborah Kiley, Weyhe's granddaughter, is the current owner of the Weyhe Gallery and the book store (currently Weyhe Art Books) now located in Mt. Desert, Maine.

of activity
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:22
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Archives/Repository Collection Title Collection Details
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Weyhe Gallery records, 1921-2014 see details...
The Museum of Modern Art
Library and Archives
Subject file : WEYHE GALLERY: miscellaneous uncataloged material. see details...
The Brooklyn Museum Libraries and Archives
200 Eastern Parkway
Institutional File. Weyhe Gallery see details...
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
Library and Archives
Held Family Miscellany, ca. 1930-1999 see details...
University of Pennsylvania
Rare Book & Manuscript Library Collections
Carl Zigrosser Papers, ca. 1891-1971 see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Carl Zigrosser papers, 1891-1971. see details...
Whitney Museum of American Art
The Frances Mulhall Achilles Library, Archives
Leon Underwood to Mrs. Julian Forse [sic], Sept. 28th, 1928 see details...
Whitney Museum of American Art
The Frances Mulhall Achilles Library, Archives
Kraushaar Galleries, Apr 30, 1929 see details...
Whitney Museum of American Art
The Frances Mulhall Achilles Library, Archives
JRF to Carl Zigrosser, January 29, 1929 see details...

see also:
Zigrosser, Carl, 1891-
Matisse, Pierre, 1900-1989