Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Lankenau, John D., 1817-1901

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role Collector
dates 1817-1901
city Philadelphia
sex M
historical notes Art collector, businessman and a member of the Drexel family. He was married to Mary J Drexel, Anthony Drexel's sister.

Lankenau collected work from the Barbizon School, including works by Charles-François Daubigny (1817-1878) and Jules Dupré (1811- 1889) as well as paintings by artists of the Düsseldorf Academy such as Andreas Achenbach (1815-1910) and Oswald Achenbach (1827-1905).

According to Art Treasures of America, he owned works by: A. Achenbach, O. Achenbach, G. Bach, A. Baur, G. Bouchmann, J. Brandy, R. Burnier, J. B. A, Clesinger, A. COffa, J.B.C. Corot, C. Daubingny, N. Diaz, E. Ducker, J. Dupre, H.A. Freguson, O.Gebler, E. Grutzner, L. Hartman, Carl Hoff, C. Holmberg, L. Jiminez, C. Jutz, Ludwig Knaus, H. Koekkoek, J. Kopf, W. Kowalski, C. Kroner, C.F. Lessing, L. Lingeman, W.C. Nakken, C. Niczky, J. Noerr, E. Oehme, H.A. Plathner, J.W. Preyer, G. Raggio, A. Rasmussen, J. Ruyten, H. Salentin, H. Savry, A. Scheurenberg, A. Schreyer, A. Siegert, E. Spitzer, E. Steinbruck, A.R. Veron, F. Voltz, A. Windmaier, E. Woutermartens, F. Zandomenechi.
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updated 02/14/2025 10:12:23
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Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Archives
321 Bonnie Lane
The John D. Lankenau (1817-1901) papers. see details...

see also:
Drexel, Anthony J. (Anthony Joseph), 1826-1893