Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Byron Gallery

titleByron Gallery records, circa 1950s-1991
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionThe records of Byron Gallery span the years 1959-1996 and thoroughly document the gallery's activities and involvement with Surrealist masters and other contemporary artists. The papers include 8 feet of artists' and subject files containing business correspondence, sales information, catalogs, and exhibit reviews for each artist who showed at the gallery, as well as group shows, such as the Box Show (1965) and the Paris Review show. In addition, there are 57 exhibition scrapbooks in binders representing a complete documentary record of a Byron Gallery show, containing reproductions of works displayed, catalogs, correspondence, price lists, installation photographs, and newspaper clippings and reviews; among the major exhibitions were 400 Years of Italian Art: Florentine Relief Fund Art Show (1967) and Greek Gold Exhibition (1967-1968). There are also invoices (1967-1968) and sales cards, which record the sale price and buyer of every work of art that changed hands. Printed matter includes a run of catalogs from the Galleria Dell'Arieti, a contemporary gallery in Milan, Italy, 1961-1969.

Among the over 300 artists represented are Alcopley (Alfred L. Copley), Stephen Antonakos, Jean Arp, Herbert Bayer, Victor Brauner, Alexander Calder, Leonora Carrington, Pietro Consagra, William Copley, Xavier Corbero, Max Ernst, Pedro Friedeberg, Mathias Goeritz, Sarah Grilo, Albert Kotin, Matta (Roberto Sabastiano Matta), Rory McEwen, Clement Meadmore, Teddy Millington-Drake, Constantino Nivola, Hans Richter, Sylvia Sleigh, David Smith, Paul Talman, Yves Tanguy, and Jack Youngerman.
extent19.3 linear ft.
formatsFinancial Records Exhibition Catalogs Scrapbooks Correspondence Photographs
accessUnmicrofilmed; use requires an appointment and is limited to the Washington, D.C. storage facility.
record link
record source
finding aidBox inventory available.
acquisition informationThe Byron Gallery papers were donated to the Archives of American Art by gallery owner Charles Byron in 1999.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:27