Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Radin, Herman T. (Herman Theodore), 1878-

titleHerman T. Radin letters, 1911-1944.
repositoryArchives of American Art
description Letters to Radin from painters, etchers, mezzotinters, wood engravers, lithographers and book-plate designers, primarily from England, but also from Wales, Germany, Austria, Belgium and the U.S.

Correspondents include: Walter M. Aikman, Timothy Cole, Ralph A. Cram, Mallette Dean, William F. Hopson, Dard Hunter, Kathe Kollwitz, Julius J. Lankes, Clare Leighton, Allen Lewis, Warren Mack, Thomas Nason, Christopher Nevinson, Ralph Pearson, Lucien and Esther Pissarro, George Plank, Ernest D. Roth, Rudolph Ruzicka, J. André Smith, Sidney L. Smith, Wilbur Stone, Ernest Watson, William G. Watt, Frederick Weber, and Henry Wolf.
extent100 items (on partial microfilm reel) reel N17 (frames 530-757)
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record linkn/a
record source
finding aidComplete list of correspondents is on microfilm, reel N17, frames 531-533.
acquisition informationMicrofilmed 1956 by the Archives of American Art with other art-related papers in the Manuscript Division of the New York Public Library. Included in the microfilming project were selected papers of the Art Division and the Prints Division. Originals in the New York Public Library, Manuscript Division.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:29

titleLetters to Herman Theodore Radin, 1911-1944 (MssCol 2517).
repositoryNew York Public Library, Manuscripts and Archives Division
descriptionCollection consists of letters written to Radin by American and European artists, including painters, etchers, engravers, lithographers, and designers in the U.S., Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria, and Belgium.

Herman Theodore Radin (1878- ), a physician who practiced in New York City, was a collector of prints.

Additional Formats
Letters available on microfilm; New York Public Library.
extent.4 linear foot (1 box)
accessApply in Special Collections Office for admission to the Manuscripts and Archives Division.
record link
record source
finding aidCollection guide available in repository and on internet:,1,1,B/l856~b3428009&FF=tletters+to+herman+theodore+radin+1911-1944&1,1,,1,0/startreferer//search/tLetters+to+Herman+Theodore+Radin%2C+1911-1944./tletters+to+herman+theodore+radin+1911-1944/1,1,1,B/frameset&FF=tletters+to+herman+theodore+radin+1911-1944&1,1,/endreferer/
updated02/14/2025 10:07:29