Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Robinson, Edward G., 1893-1973
title | Martin Birnbaum papers, 1862-1967, bulk 1920-1967 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | The papers of New York art dealer, critic, and author Martin Birnbaum measure 3.2 linear feet and date from 1862-1967, with the bulk of the material dating from 1920-1967. The papers document Birnbaum's association with the firm of Scott and Fowles, the lives and activities of his friends and colleagues, and his literary work, through biographical material, correspondence, writings and notes, business records, printed material, a scrapbook, scattered artwork, and photographs of Birnbaum, friends and colleagues, and artwork. REELS N698, N698A, and N698B: Correspondence primarily reflecting his association with the firm of Scott & Fowles, but also including details about lives and activities of his correspondents, among them Edward Bruce, Grover Cleveland, Norman Douglas, Rockwell Kent, Paul Manship, Upton Sinclair, Maxfield Parrish, Bernard Berenson, Augustus E. John, Jules Pascin, Carl Van Vechten, Hamilton Easter Field, Mabel Dodge Luhan, Gari Melchers, William Hunt Diederich, Elie Nadelman, Childe Hassam, John Quinn, Charles Ricketts, Nicholas K. Roerich, and Charles H. Shannon. REEL 108: Primarily letters received by Birnbaum in New York, and throughout Europe from 1917-1943. Correspondents include Grenville L. Winthrop, Gisela Richter, Stevenson Scott, Paul Manship, Maurice Sterne, Edward Bruce, and Maxfield Parrish, Upton Sinclair, George Bellows, John Gregory, Augustus John, Ivan Mestrovic, Elizabeth Winthrop Miles, Robert McIntyre, Georgia O'Keeffe, Joseph Pennell, John Quinn, Charles Ricketts, William Rothenstein, Albert Rutherston, Pamela Colman Smith, Carl Sprinchorn, Pavel Tchelitchew, Schofield Thayer, T. Zoumpoulakis, and family members. Subject matter includes business concerns, art concerns, travel, and family affairs. REELS 1023-1025: Over 1600 letters received. Correspondents include: Cecelia Beaux, Sven Berg, Gutzon Borglum, Edward Bruce, Lodewyk Bruckman, Beniamino Bufano, Mabel Choate, Stephen C. Clark, Royal Cortissoz, Walter Damrosch, Edmund Davis, Reginald Davis, Louise Dillingham, Edmund Dulac, Anne Goldthwaite, Magnus Gross, Herbert Haseltine, Malvina Hoffman, Jan Hoowij, Benjamin Javits, Rockwell Kent, Lenard Kester, Paul Manship, Elisabeth Marbury, Henry McIlhenny, Gari Melchers, Houghton P. Metcalf, Emily Winthrop Miles, Kate Morse, Georgia O'Keeffe, James Parmelee, Maxfield Parrish, Harold Woodbury Parsons, Jules Pascin, Albin Polasek, Alfred B. Potterton, Edward G. Robinson, J. F. Rock, John D. Rockefeller, Emanuel G. Romano, John Rothenstein, John Singer Sargent, Stevenson Scott, Janet Scudder, Carl Sprinchorn, Maurice Sterne, Albert Sterner, R.A. Walker (Georges Derry), Elsie Weil, Carl N. Werntz, Millicent Werntz, Edith Wetmore, Thornton Wilder, Ellis Wilson, Stanley Wilson, Grenville Lindall Winthrop, and Carl Zigrosser. REELS 1025-1026: Business and financial documents; legal documents, certificates, and passports; writings by Birnbaum and others including a manuscript for Birnbaum's book The Last Romantic, with notes by Upton Sinclair; one scrapbook of clippings, loose clippings regarding Edward Dulac, and other printed material; sketches; bookplates; notes, letters, and printed material relating to Aubrey Beardsley; lists and descriptions of works of art; a notebook of addresses; travel itineraries and maps; and programs. REEL 1027: 287 photographs of Birnbaum, and art related people, including Maurice Sterne, Edward Bruce, Leo Stein and Alfred Potterton at Anticoli Corrado, and Cecilia Beaux, Robert Chanler, Philip de Laszlo, Despiau, Norman Douglas, Lord Duveen, Herbert Haseltine, Augustus John by Arnold Genthe, Paul Manship by De Witt Ward, Gari Melchers, Elie Nadelman, Mrs. Gustave Radeke, William Rothenstein, Stevenson Scott, Clare Sheridan, Albert Sterner, Abraham Walkowitz, Mrs. Leonard Volkman Webb, and Grenville Lindall Winthrop; 82 travel photographs primarily of Greece; and 142 photographs of works of art. UNMICROFILMED: Three tape recordings, two containing information about The Last Romantic, dictated in 1952, and one unidentified. Co-Creator: Beardsley, Aubrey, 1872-1898 Beaux, Cecilia, 1855-1942 Bellows, George, 1882-1925 Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959 Berg, Sven Borglum, Gutzon, 1867-1941 Bruce, Edward, 1879-1943 Bruckman, Lodewyk Bufano, Beniamino, 1898-1970 Chanler, Robert Winthrop, 1872-1930 Choate, Mabel, 1870-1958 Clark, Stephen C. (Stephen Carlton), b. 1882 Cleveland, Grover, 1837-1908 Cortissoz, Royal, 1869-1948 Damrosch, Walter, 1862-1950 Davis, Reginald De Laszlo, Philip A., 1869-1937 Derry, Georges, 1886- Despiau, Charles, 1874-1946 Diederich, William Hunt, 1884-1953 Dillingham, Louise Douglas, Norman, 1868-1952 Dulac, Edmund, 1882-1953 Duveen, Joseph Duveen, Baron, 1869-1939 Field, Hamilton Easter Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942 photographer. Goldthwaite, Anne, 1869-1944 Gregory, John, 1879-1958 Gross, Magnus Haseltine, Herbert, 1877-1962 Hassam, Childe, 1859-1935 Hoffman, Malvina, 1887-1966 Hoowij, Jan, 1907- Javits, Benjamin A. (Benjamin Abraham), 1894-1973 John, Augustus, 1878-1961 Kent, Rockwell, 1882-1971 Kester, Lenard, 1917- Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 1879-1962 Manship, Paul, 1885-1966 Marbury, Elisabeth, 1856-1933 McIlhenny, Henry P. McIntyre, Robert G. Melchers, Gari, 1860-1932 Meštrovi?, Ivan, 1883-1962 Metcalf, Houghton P. Miles, Emily Winthrop, 1893-1962 Morse, Kate Nadelman, Elie, 1882-1946 O'Keeffe, Georgia, 1887-1986 Parmelee, James Parrish, Maxfield, 1870-1966 Parsons, Harold Woodbury, 1883-1967 Pascin, Jules, 1885-1930 Pennell, Joseph, 1857-1926 Polasek, Albin, 1879-1965 Potterton, Alfred B. Quinn, John, 1870-1924 Radeke, Eliza G., 1855-1931 Rerikh, Nikolai Konstantinovich, 1874-1947 Richter, Gisela Marie Augusta, 1882-1972 Ricketts, Charles S., 1866-1931 Robinson, Edward G., 1893-1973 Rock, Joseph Francis Charles, 1884-1962 Rockefeller, John D., 1906- Romano, Emanuel, 1897?-1984 Rothenstein, John, Sir, 1901- Rothenstein, William, Sir, 1872-1945 Rutherston, Albert Daniel, 1881-1953 Sargent, John Singer, 1856-1925 Scott, Stevenson Scudder, Janet, b. 1873 Shannon, Charles Hazelwood, 1863-1937 Sheridan, Clare, 1885-1970 Sinclair, Upton, 1878-1968 Smith, Pamela Colman Sprinchorn, Carl, 1887-1971 Stein, Leo, 1872-1947 Sterne, Maurice, 1878-1957 Sterner, Albert, 1863-1946 Tchelitchew, Pavel, 1898-1957 Thayer, Scofield, b. 1889 Van Vechten, Carl, 1880-1964 Walkowitz, Abraham, 1880-1965 Ward, De Witt photographer. Webb, Leonard Volkman, Mrs Weil, Elsie Werntz, Carl N. (Carl Newland), 1874-1944 Werntz, Millicent Wetmore, Edith Wilder, Thornton, 1897-1975 Wilson, Ellis, 1899-1977 Wilson, Stanley Winthrop, Grenville Lindall, 1864-1943 Zigrosser, Carl, 1891- Zoumpoulakis, T. Berlin Photographic Company (New York, N.Y.) Fogg Art Museum Scott & Fowles (Firm) |
extent | 4.3 linear ft. (partially microfilmed on 9 microfilm reels) reels N698, N698a, N698b, 108, and 1023-1027 |
formats | Correspondence Financial Records Photographs Electronic Resource Notes |
access | Use requires an appointment. Microfilmed materials must be consulted on microfilm copy. |
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acquisition information | Donated/lent 1967-1975 by Birnbaum and his great-nephew, Jerome Ziegler. Material reel 108 donated anonymously. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | George Sidney collection |
repository | Boston University |
description | The George Sidney collection includes manuscripts, correspondence, media recordings, photographs, printed materials, and memorabilia, with a significant focus on actor Edward G. Robinson and his wife, Jane Robinson. Sidney acquired Robinson-related materials after marrying his widow, Jane. The Edward G. Robinson materials feature manuscripts, correspondence (including letters from Adlai Stevenson), photographs, artwork, and personal items. Notable pieces include Robinson’s autobiographical sketch, speeches on art, Hollywood Walk of Fame plaque, contracts, financial records, Diego Rivera documents, and personal memorabilia like his hearing aid and family bibles. The Jane Robinson materials include manuscripts (such as speeches and an Academy Award acceptance speech), correspondence (including a letter from Roddy McDowall), printed materials about her television show, photographs from her childhood, and memorabilia like awards, scrapbooks, and home inventories. |
extent | 8 linear ft. |
formats | Correspondence Ephemera Financial Records Legal Papers Photographs |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | Finding aid in the repository. |
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title | Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1940-1944. |
repository | University of Pennsylvania |
description | Archival/Manuscript Material Contained in: Theodore Dreiser Papers, ca. 1890-1965. Folder 5243. Biography/History: Contains correspondence from Gladys Lloyd Cassell Robinson, wife of Edward G. Robinson. Notes: Comprises 5 items to Dreiser and 5 items from Dreiser or his representative. Other Contributors: Robinson, Gladys Lloyd Cassell. Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts Call Number: Ms. Coll. 30 |
extent | 10 items (12 leaves). |
formats | Correspondence |
access | The Theodore Dreiser Papers may be examined by researchers in the reading room of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania. Permission to quote from and to publish unpublished materials must be requested in writing from the Curator of Manuscripts. |
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acquisition information | Gifts with some additional purchases, received: 1942 through 1991. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | Artist file: Robinson, Edward G, miscellaneous uncataloged material. |
repository | The Museum of Modern Art |
description | The folder may include announcements, clippings, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, small exhibition catalogs, and other ephemeral material. REQUEST THE FILE BY THE CALL PHRASE "ARTIST FILE" AS WELL AS THE ARTIST’S NAME. Location MoMA Queens Artist Files Call Number Robinson, Edward G. , collection |
extent | 1 folder |
formats | Ephemera |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | Papers of Alexander Z. Kruse, 1890-1972 (bulk 1930s-1960s). |
repository | The Huntington Library |
description | The Alexander Z. Kruse papers contain documents relating to Kruse's career as an artist, art critic, and author. The time frame covered is 1890 to 1975 with the bulk of the material originating from the 1930s to 1960s. The material is arranged by functional series and includes: literary manuscripts and notebooks; correspondence; photographic materials--photogrpahs and slides; ephemera--clippings, catalogs, and biographical material; and books. The majority of the collection is in its original format with a few being photocopies. The photographic materials are in good condition. However, much of the ephemera (especially the newspaper clippings) is extremely fragile. Most of the clippings are from Kruse's columns with the Brooklyn Eagle and the New York Post. The literary manuscripts and notebooks include the original mockups and handwritten notes for Kruse's published works. Some of Kruse's other projects include: a staple machine invention; an idea for a television show; and some literary projects, which did not achieve fruition. The correspondence includes letters received by Kruse between the early 1900s until his death in 1972. Some were from personal friends; and others were from other artists, students, and business-related entities such as galleries or publishers. Included in the collection are approximately 2000 slides and photographs, mainly of Kruse's paintings and other works of art. The catalogs in the collection also depict Kruse's artwork at various shows and galleries from 1917 to 1972. The collection also includes several books kept by Kruse that contain autograph annotations by Kruse. The remaining four books from the Kruse library are cataloged separately in Rare Books, call numbers: 606358, 606359, 606360, and 606362. Location: Manuscripts Call # mssKruse papers Bio/History: Alexander Kruse (1888-1972) was a student of the "Ashcan" School of Art at the turn of the century, studying under artists John Sloan, Henry McBride, and George Bellows, among others. Some of his more well-known paintings include "The Butcher Shop," "Young Smoker," and "Ted Lewis Performs," among hundreds of other paintings as well as drawings, etchings, and lithographs. |
extent | ca. 3,755 items. |
formats | Correspondence Photographs Notebooks Ephemera |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | Unpublished finding aid available in repository. |
acquisition information | Dr. and Mrs. Steven Kruse, Gift, December 1997 |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:38 |
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title | Hobson Pittman papers, 1916-1990. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Biographical material, correspondence, legal and financial material, notes and writings, art work, scrapbooks, sketchbooks, printed material, subject files and photographs. REEL 4154: Five scrapbooks containing clippings, exhibition brochures, photographs of Pittman and of his works (1934-1969); and two sketchbooks containing European views of landscape and architecture (1927-1956). REELS 4468-4472: Biographical material; correspondence, 1920-1900, with family, colleagues, students, and patrons, including Ivan Albright, Walter H. Annenberg, John Canaday, Blanchard Gummo, Edward Hopper, Edward G. Robinson, Ann Southern, and others; Pittman's will and estate papers; receipts, 1921-1980; 2 address books; school notebooks; writings by and about Pittman, including his "Drift of Consciousness" manuscript; 4 scrapbooks of drawings, 70 unbound drawings, and 2 prints; a menu decorated with sketches of acrobats and annotated "to H. Pittman from R. Marsh" and "E. Hopper"; files containing letters, printed material, and photographs on topics including Clare Boothe Luce (1946-1972), Margaret Sanger (1947-1974), greeting cards designed by Pittman (1960-1965), Pittman residences (1945-1974), Woodstock artists (1972-1975) and Guggenheim fellowships (1938-1956-contains a travel journal about Italy); a scrapbook of clippings (1938-1971) and clippings (1931-1985); exhibition announcements and catalogs (1930-1989), and other printed material; and photographs of Pittman, his family, friends, art classes (1945-1971), and works of art. ADDITION: Preliminary works of art by Pittman consisting of 1,538 sketches in watercolor, ink and graphite. Bio / His Notes: Painter, art instructor; Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Epworth, North Carolina, Pittman moved permanently to Pennsylvania in 1918. |
extent | 6 microfilm reels. Addition: 1,538 sketches. reels 4468-4472, reel 4154 |
formats | Microfilm Sketches |
access | Microfilmed portion must be consulted on microfilm. Use of unmicrofilmed portion requires an appointment and is limited to Washingto, D.C. storage facility. |
record link | n/a |
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finding aid | REELS 4468-4472: Inventory of contents available at AAA offices. |
acquisition information | Material on reel 4154 lent for microfilming 1988 by Bryn Mawr College as part of AAA's Philadelphia Arts Documentation Project. Papers on reels 4468-4472 were lent by the Edgecombe County Cultural Arts Council, 1990, who received it from Pittman's niece, Alyce Weeks Gordon.The sketches were donated in 1997 from the North Carolina Museum of Art, which had received it from the Hobson Pittman estate. Reproduction: Letters from Pittman to Margaret Sanger are photocopies. Location of Original: Reels 4468-4472: Originals in the Edgecombe County Cultural Arts Council, Tarboro, N.C. Reel 4154: Originals in Hobson Pittman House Collection, Bryn Mawr College. |
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title | William G. Bowdoin letters, 1917-1922. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Letters to Bowdoin while he was art critic of the New York Evening World, most of which are brief expressions of appreciation for reviews which Bowdoin has written. Correspondents include: Walter M. Aikman, C. E. Althouse, J. M.Andreini, Joseph H. Appel, A. Archibald, Richard F. Bach, J. Stewart Barney, William J. Beauley, Martin Birnbaum, Gustav Brock, Margaret F. Browne, Aline Caro-Delvaille, J. H. Chapin, S. Jay Chapman, W. A. Clark, Thomas B. Clarke,William Clifford, Robert G. Cooke, Mrs. Henry E. Coe, Esther A. Coster, Bertram Cox, E. J. Craine, Winifred M. Crawford, Charles H. Davis, H. C. Denslow, Joel R. Detwiller, Olive Earle, Henry S. Eddy, Harold L. Ehrich, Leon Fleischman, Carlton C. Fowler, William H. Fox, the Gorham Co., Beryl M. Greene. Also, Frances Hall, John W. Harrington, Richard B. Harte, Rachel I. Hartley, T. F. Hatfield, Edward Heine, Claude R. Hirst, Harry L. Hoffman, A. A. Hopkins, Alex Hudnut, Susan A. Hutchinson, Katherine Inness, T. Seton Jevons, Henry W. Kent, William Knable & Co., Robert C.Lafferty, Mme. Andree Lenigue De Franceville, Robert W. Macbeth, Edith Magonigle, Elizabeth Marbury, Eric C. Maunsbach, Herbert Meyer, D. Roy Miller, Percy F. Montgomery, G. Laurence Nelson, Sydney P. Noe, David Owens, Ralph M. Pearson, Walter S. Perry, George A. Plimpton, Rabinovitch, Edward Robinson, A. S. W. Rosenbach, James Scott, James G. Shepherd, John M. Siddall, Robert Spencer, Edward F. Stevens, Marion Swinton, Floyd Vail, Willis A. Voorhees, John Wanamaker, Bertrand H. Wentworth,Clarence H. White, Guy Wiggins, Max Williams, and E. C. Zabriskie. Bio / His Notes: Art critic; New York City. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel N1 (frames 463-583) available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. |
extent | 80 items (on partial microfilm reel) reel N1 (frames 463-583) |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
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acquisition information | Microfilmed 1956 by the Archives of American Art with other art-related papers in the Manuscript Division of the New York Public Library. Included in the microfilming project were selected papers of the Art Division and the Prints Division. Location of Original: Originals in the New York Public Library, Manuscript Division. Other Title: New York evening world |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:38 |
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title | Maynard L. Parker negatives, photographs, and other material |
repository | The Huntington Library |
description | Maynard L. Parker negatives, photographs, and other material consists of 57,892 black-and-white negatives, color transparencies, black-and-white prints, and color prints; 39 presentation albums; and 17 boxes of office records, 1930-1974. Created primarily by Maynard Parker, the archive documents the residential and non-residential work of architects, interior designers, landscape architects, artists, builders, real estate developers, and clients associated with these fields, foremost among them the magazine House Beautiful. Also included in the collection are photographs taken by other individuals, such as architect Cliff May and Parker's assistant, Charles Yerkes. Background Maynard L. Parker (1901-1976), known to friends and family as "Mike," was born and raised in Vermont. Parker worked in the Boston, Massachusetts region at a variety of jobs, including office boy, machinist, and gardener, before turning to photography as a profession. Parker traveled to California three times in the 1920s, finally settling in Los Angeles in 1929. He and his wife, Annie, lived in the Echo Park neighborhood, where Parker built a house at 2230 Lemoyne Street designed by a draftsman in architect Richard Neutra's office. The New England saltbox-style house served as residence and studio, as well as the backdrop for many of Parker's published photographs. Parker's personal interests included home renovation, self-improvement, archery (he appeared as an extra in the 1938 film The Adventures of Robin Hood), and building furniture. He was also, according to his daughter, a "frugal New Englander," health conscious, a consummate storyteller, an avid hiker, and a gardener [See photocopies of Maynard and Annie Parker's journals, and interview transcript with Ann Carawan and Diane Parker, February 14, 2008, in collection files]. Collection Number: photCL MLP Preferred Citation photCL MLP, Maynard L. Parker negatives, photographs, and other material. Search database by collector's name. |
extent | 230 boxes, 159.38 linear feet |
formats | Photographs Prints Negatives Photograph Album Ephemera |
access | Access is granted to qualified researchers and by appointment. Publication Rights Copyright for the photography of Maynard L. Parker has been assigned to the Huntington Library, 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, CA 91108. All requests for permission to publish photographs in any and all formats must be submitted in writing to the Curator of Photographs. |
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finding aid | In repository and online at: |
acquisition information | Gift of Ann Carawan, Elizabeth Buxton, and Diane Parker Carawan, 1995; Ann Carawan, 2000. |
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