Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Stein, Gertrude, 1874-1946
title | Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas papers, 1837-1961 |
repository | Yale University Library |
description | The Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas Papers contain manuscripts of writings, letters, clippings, photographs, artworks, and personal papers relating to the life and work of Gertrude Stein and her companion, Alice B. Toklas, and to Gertrude's brother, Leo Stein, an artist and writer. As well as holding the bulk of Stein's literary output (often described as "experimental" or "cubist" writing), the materials document Stein and Toklas' involvement with the literary and art scene in Paris during the first half of the 20th century. Series I, Writings, contains holograph and typescript drafts of the majority of Gertrude Stein's writings, including "The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas," "The Making of Americans" (complete with a quantity of notes, or "studies"), "Tender Buttons" and a group of unpublished fragments and carnets, notebooks kept by Stein with preliminary drafts of writings. Series II, Correspondence of Gertrude Stein, contains letters sent from a wide variety of Stein's friends: artists such as Georges Bracque, Jean Cocteau and Pablo Picasso; writers such as Sherwood Anderson, Ernest Hemingway, and Thornton Wilder; and acquaintances through many years such as Mildred Aldrich, Etta and Claribel Cone, Robert Haas, Mabel Dodge Luhan,Sir Francis Rose, Virgil Thomson, and Carl Van Vechten. Series III,Third Party Letters and Series IV, Alice B. Toklas Correspondence, contain letters from many of the same people, the latter group containing Alice Toklas's correspondence following Gertrude Stein's death. Series V, Personal Papers, and Series VI, Clippings, gather together various personal affects of Stein and Toklas as well as documentation of Stein's life as reported during her lifetime. Series VII, Photographs, show Stein from early childhood through 1946, the year she died. Prints showing Alice Toklas, various friends, artworks, and locales are included in this series, as are several volumes of prints made by Carl Van Vechten. Series VIII and IX contain numerous artworks and objects given by Stein and Toklas. Included here are a painting by Pablo Picasso and a sketch by Henri Matisse. Bio/History: Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), writer, art collector, and salonniste./ Alice B. Toklas (1877-1967), companion and secretary to Gertrude Stein, and writer./ Leo Stein (1872-1947), artist and writer. Location: BEINECKE (Non-Circulating) Call Number: YCAL MSS 76 |
extent | 93 linear ft. (173 boxes) |
formats | Correspondence Personal Papers Photographs Printed Materials Artwork |
access | This collection is open for research. Restricted Fragile Papers in box 173 may only be consulted with permission of the appropriate curator. Preservation photocopies for reference use have been substituted in the main files. |
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finding aid | Finding aid available. |
acquisition information | Bequest of Gertrude Stein, 1946, with subsequent gifts from Alice B. Toklas, ca. 1946-67. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:32 |
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title | Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas collection, 1901-1987 |
repository | Yale University Library |
description | The Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas Collection contains manuscripts, letters, photographs, clippings, artworks, and research materials relating to the life and work of Gertrude Stein and her companion, Alice B. Toklas gathered during the years following Stein’s death to supplement the Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas Papers (YCAL MSS 76). Items from such friends and admirers as Elizabeth Fuller Chapman, Doda Conrad, Clement Hurd, Samuel Steward, and Donald Sutherland complement the original group of Stein papers. Organized into nine series: I. Writings, 1910-1985. II. Correspondence, 1901-1977. III. Other Papers, 1919-1985. IV. Photographs, 1918-1976. V. Pre-1946 Printed Material, 1934-1942. VI. Printed Material Post-1946,1920-1987. VII. Artworks, 1914-1939. VIII. Objects, 1949, n.d. IX. Film and Sound Recordings, ca. 1927-1964. Location: BEINECKE (Non-Circulating) Call Number: YCAL MSS 77 |
extent | 24 linear ft. (40 boxes) |
formats | Correspondence Ephemera Photographs Printed Materials Artworks |
access | This collection is open for research. |
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finding aid | Online and in repository. |
acquisition information | Acquired from various sources by gift and purchase, ca. 1946-1994. |
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title | Leo Stein Collection 1892-1950. |
repository | Yale University Library |
description | The Leo Stein Collection contains manuscripts of writings by Stein, letters from such persons as: Bernard Berenson, Mabel Dodge Luhan and Maurice Sterne, personal papers, photographs, and artworks (mainly by Stein), which document the life of Leo Stein, an artist and writer. Many letters to Leo Stein for the period before 1913 can be found in the Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas Papers, YCAL MSS 76, also owned by the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Biographical/Historical note: Leo Stein (1872-1947) shared the enthusiasm for art and literature with his sister, Gertrude, when they lived together in Paris during the early part of the 20th century. After his break with her in 1913, he concentrated on painting and aesthetic criticism. Location: BEINECKE (Non-Circulating) Call Number: YCAL MSS 78 |
extent | Linear Feet: 19.25 |
formats | Artworks Correspondence Manuscript |
access | This collection is open for research. |
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finding aid | Finding aid available online and in repository. |
acquisition information | Bequest of the estate of Leo and Nina Stein with subsequent gifts from other Stein family members and friends, ca. 1947-65. Bequest of the estate of Leo and Nina Stein with subsequent gifts |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:32 |
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title | Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta Cone Papers, 1885-1949 (MS.1 Series 1-4, 6) |
repository | Baltimore Museum of Art |
description | The Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta Cone Papers contain the correspondence, personal papers, publications and lectures, art collection-related papers, photographs, subject files and postcards of Claribel and Etta Cone as well as other members of their family. They document the Cones’ lives and collections of artwork, spanning the years 1885 – 1949. The Papers are housed in 60 boxes and 9 postcard albums and consist of seven series: Correspondence, Personal Papers, Publications and Lectures, Cone Collection, Photographs, Subject Files, and Postcards. Four boxes contain Oversize, Restricted Fragile, and Oversize Restricted Fragile material. While the original arrangement of the Cone Papers is unknown, at the time they were microfilmed by The Archives of American Art in 1987, they were organized into two series, Correspondence and Memorabilia. This arrangement was modified in 2003 to the seven series listed above to better reflect the varied nature of the papers. New additions of material from various relatives in 1995 and 2007 have been integrated into the finding aid. In general, materials are arranged first in alphabetic order by subject or correspondent and further by date. Exceptions are noted below. In most cases where there are two or fewer items from a particular correspondent or about a particular subject, the items have been filed alphabetically in General files. Where there are three or more items, the person or subject is given its own folder. For example, in the Correspondence Series, the single letter from the Baltimore Symphony Association has been filed in the B – Ba – General folder, but the 52 letters from the Baltimore Museum of Art have been filed in folders titled Baltimore Museum of Art. Preferred Citation Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta Cone Papers, Archives and Manuscripts Collections, The Baltimore Museum of Art |
extent | 30.7 Linear feet ; 60 boxes; 9 postcard albums |
formats | Correspondence Personal Papers Photographs Postcards Ephemera |
access | The collection is open for research. Microfilm of Series 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 is available at the BMA Library and the Archives of American Art. Microfilmed portions must be consulted on microfilm. Please call the Library for an appointment to use the microfilm or contact the Archives of American Art. In addition, transcriptions of correspondence have been copied and bound in chronological order and are avaialble in the Library. |
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bibliography | Gabriel, Mary. The Art of Acquiring: Portrait of Etta and Claribel Cone. Bancroft: BRAD, 2002. |
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finding aid | In repository and on repository's website |
acquisition information | Bequest of Etta Cone on her death in 1949. Further donations of material were made in 1985 and 1995 by the Cones’ great-grandnephew, Edward F. Cone and great-grandniece Nancy Ramage, and great-grand nephews Edward Hirschland and Roger Hirschland in 2007. |
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title | Aline and Eero Saarinen papers, 1906-1977 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Personal papers of Aline and Eero Saarinen, and Aline Saarinen papers relating to her unpublished biography of architect Stanford White, her published book The Proud Possessors, and her work as an NBC Television correspondent. Papers relating to Stanford White and to Proud Possessors contain primary source material gathered by Saarinen during her research on White and collectors Edward Wales Root and John Quinn. REELS 2074-76, and 2064 (photos): Biographical material; Eero Saarinen's sketches, notes and letters; correspondence between Aline and Eero; Aline Saarinen's correspondence, including letters from John McAndrews, Clifford Odets, Robert Osborne, Frank Lloyd Wright, Joseph Louchheim, and her children; awards; files on her involvement with the Fine Arts Commission, Yale University, and the Design Advisory Committee of the Federal Aviation Agency; speeches, articles on art and architecture; television scripts; clippings and printed material; notes; and photographs and slides of the Saarinens (2 copyprints are also microfilmed on reel 1817 fr. 1054-1058), Charles Alan, and other family members, friends, works of art, and architecture. REELS 2069-2072 and 2084 (photos): Research material, 1903-1960, relating to Saarinen's book The Proud Possessors (1958). Included are notes, manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, and printed material on art collectors Dr. Albert C. Barnes, Dr. Claribel and Etta Cone, Katherine Sophie Dreier, Charles Lang Freer, Isabella Stewart Gardner, Thomas Gilcrease, Peggy Guggenheim, Mr. and Mrs. Henry O. Havemeyer, Joseph Hirshhorn, R. Sturgis Ingersoll, John G. Johnson, J. Pierpont Morgan, Mrs. Potter Palmer, John Quinn, the Rockefeller family, Edward Wales Root, Gertrude, Leo, Michael and Sarah Stein, and Electra Havemeyer Webb. Among the correspondents is Bernard Berenson. The material on Edward Root contains letters to Saarinen from Grace Cogswell Root; correspondence between Root and his father Elihu, 1903-1936; one or more letters to Root, 1909-1936, from Charles Culver, Robert De Forest, Frederick James Gregg, Ernest Lawson, George Luks, Duncan Phillips, and Grace Root; copies of 2 letters to Edward Christiana, 1949; a catalog for a Root memorial exhibition, 1957; Saarinen's notes; and a photograph of Root, one of his home, and photographs of works of art in his collection. Copyrpints also available. Material on John Quinn includes correspondence between Saarinen and Jeanne Robert Foster; letters to Foster from Quinn and his sister, Julia Anderson; a copy of a letter to Foster from William B. Yeats and a drawing of Quinn possibly by Yeats; material relating to Roger Casement; and photographs of Quinn and Foster, and Quinn with Constantin Brancusi, Picasso and Mme. Picasso, Henri Pierre Roche, and Erik Satie. REELS 2072-2073 and 2064 (photos): Research material for Saarinen's unpublished biography of Stanford White. Included are: notes, drafts; correspondence with her publisher, scholars, friends and relatives of White, architects, and others; printed material, 1896-1968; McKim, Mead and White memoranda and correspondence, 1887-1906, much of it with Whitelaw Reid; a letter from Charles Lang Freer, 1900; contracts; architectural descriptions and copies of blueprints; a record book; and miscellaneous letters and documents. Letters from White's father, Richard Grant White, to his daughter-in-law Bessie, Bessie White's reminiscenses of Stanford, and her scrapbook on the Washington Centennial and White's Washington Arch are also included. Photographs include over 300, 1878-ca. 1970, of White, his wife; his father and mother; Evelyn Nesbit; his clients, Anne, Louise and Robert Cheney; and 280 photographs of buildings and residences designed by White or McKim, Mead and White, many photographed by Wayne Andrews. UNMICROFILMED: Primarily papers kept by Aline Saarinen while a NBC television correspondent reporting on mainly art related topics. Included are correspondence, printed material, notes, scripts, clippings, kinescope motion picture film, including "Eyes Opening", transferred to VHS, and photographs. Also included are printed material on Eero Saarinen, and photographs of his work. ADDITION: Notebooks containing Aline Saarinen's notes on architecture, art collectors and Stanford White; printed material; Saarinen's journal, 1928-1932; a guest book; photographs; scripts for Venus in Venice (1964), The American Image and other writings. Three phonograph recordings (33 1/3) of a discussion on opera between Eero Saarinen, Professor H. Ingham Ashworth and Professor Leslie Martin on the Australian Braodcasting Commission, January 29, 1957 are not available for research use. |
extent | 13.5 linear ft. (partially microfilmed on 10 reels) |
formats | Correspondence Notes Sketches Photographs Clippings |
access | Collection is being processed and digitized, and is closed to researchers. Access is to microfilmed material only. NBC TV material: Authorization to quote from scripts or film prepared for television must be cleared for rights with: NBC Studios, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y. |
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acquisition information | Donated in 1973 by the Aline Saarinen estate via Charles Alan, art dealer and brother of Saarinen. The NBC TV material was donated 1974 by NBC Studios. Additional material donated 1991 by the Parrish Art Museum, who had received it from Aline Saarinen. |
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title | Keith Martin Papers, 1928-1987. |
repository | Syracuse University Libraries |
description | Correspondence (1933-1978); artwork reproductions and photographs; writings, including a reminiscence of Gertrude Stein; and memorabilia, including inventories of artwork, itineraries, photographs, financial material, exhibition announcements, invitations, and catalogs (1931-1987), and articles and reviews about Martin. Family, business, and personal correspondence, including that with Adelyn Breeskin, Tom L. Freudenheim, Henry Gorski, Lincoln F. Johnson, Ralph T. Millet, Wasyl Palijczuk, Charles Parkhurst, Brenda Richardson, Eleanor Patterson Spencer, Bertha Fanning Taylor, and Alice B. Toklas. Biographical Note: American painter, collagist; died 1983. |
extent | 3.5 linear ft. |
formats | Correspondence Clippings Financial Records Catalogs Photographs |
access | Contact repository for restricttions. |
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finding aid | Unpublished guide in repository. |
acquisition information | Gift of Keith Morrow Martin. |
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title | Frederick R. Koch collection of Jean Cocteau, 1913-1969. |
repository | Yale University Libraries |
description | Collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, drawings, photographs, and other material by or relating to Jean Cocteau. Correspondence consists of single and small groups of letters from Cocteau to Catherine d'Erlanger, Florence Gould, Daniel Halévy, Valentine Hugo, and others, as well as third party letters from Jean Desbordes to d'Erlanger and from Raymond Radiguet to an unidentified recipient. There are holograph drafts of several Cocteau manuscripts, including "La reprise de Parade," and holograph and typescript drafts of poems by Radiguet and Gertrude Stein, as well as a draft of an essay on Cocteau by Maurice Sachs. In addition to correspondence and manuscripts, there are twenty-two original drawings by Cocteau for the illustrated edition of Le grand écart (Paris: Stock, 1926), in a volume bound by Lucie Weill, and photographic prints of Cocteau, Jean Marais, and other actors from several of Cocteau's films. Other materials include Cocteau's last will and testament dating from 1939. Cite as: Frederick R. Koch Collection of Jean Cocteau. General Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. Notes: Chiefly in French; some materials in English and German. Location: BEINECKE (Non-Circulating) Call Number: GEN MSS 557 |
extent | 3.21 linear feet (4 boxes) |
formats | Correspondence Drawings Manuscript Photographs Ephemera |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | Accompanied by a container list (in box 1). |
acquisition information | Gift of Frederick R. Koch Foundation, 2001. |
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title | Gertrude Stein Collection, 1914-1973 [bulk 1946-1967]. |
repository | University of Texas, Austin |
description | Manuscripts, correspondence, financial and legal documents, address books, and personal papers make up the Gertrude Stein Collection. The material was collected by Alice B. Toklas after Stein's death and includes a large amount of Toklas's incoming correspondence. The collection is arranged in four series: I. Works, 1930-1945 (1 box); II. Correspondence, 1928-1946 (1 box); III. Personal Papers, 1914-1959 (1 box); and IV. Alice B. Toklas, 1920-1973 (bulk 1947-1967) (6 boxes). Stein's writings are represented by three titles in the Works series. Composition as Explanation was originally a lecture delivered at Oxford and Cambridge in 1926; later that year it appeared in The Dial and in book form from Leonard and Virginia Woolf's Hogarth Press. "From Dark to Day" is a two-page depiction of couturier Pierre Balmain that appeared in Vogue in 1945. The dossier of items relating to the publication of Before the Flowers of Friendship Faded Friendship Faded documents not only various stages in Stein's creation of this work, but also the conflicts between Stein and Georges Hugnet, whose collection of French poems, Enfances, was originally to have been published along with Stein's. The two disagreed over whether Stein's work was a translation of Hugnet's or an original work loosely based on it and could not come to an agreement on how the two authors should be credited in the book. Also included are letters from composer Virgil Thomson, who had introduced them to each other in 1927, trying to reconcile their differences. The Correspondence series contains a large number of Stein's letters to Hugnet from the period of their first acquaintance until their final break. Incoming letters are concerned with matters of publication and include correspondence from her American publisher, Random House, and her English agents, Pearn, Pollinger & Higham, Ltd. (later known as David Higham Associates, Ltd.). All correspondence in this and other series is arranged alphabetically by author or recipient. Among the Personal Papers are an address book, various contracts, and miscellaneous financial records. Of particular interest in this series are documents concerning Stein's art collection: two insurance policies (dated 1935 and 1938) with Lloyds of London with itemized schedules and appraisals of the paintings, and three appraisals made for Alice Toklas after Stein's death (1958 and undated). The largest series is devoted to Alice B. Toklas. It includes a few random pages from autobiographical writings; a small number of letters to other correspondents, either drafts or returned letters; an address book and other personal and financial papers; and a large incoming correspondence from such writers as literary agent Mrs. William Aspenwall Bradley, actor Sandy Campbell, historian Bernard Faÿ, Stein scholar Donald C. Gallup, attorneys Edgar Allan Poe and Russell M. Porter, composer Virgil Thomson, and writer Carl Van Vechten, who served as Stein's literary executor. Many of these letters, mostly dating from the last few years of Toklas's life, are filled with expressions of concern for the state of her health or her misfortune in losing Gertrude Stein's art collection to the Stein family. Letters to Toklas's companion, Madeleine Charrière, have been interfiled with those to Toklas herself, and a few of these letters are dated after Toklas's death. A peculiarity of this collection is that Toklas herself evidently made a practice of ripping up letters once she had answered them; approximately one-third are torn into large pieces. Fortunately, all the pieces have been preserved. Among the personal papers are a very small number of recipes, some in Toklas's hand, and transcripts of letters written by admirers of Stein on the occasion of the exhibit "Hommage à Gertrude Stein" organized in 1965 in Paris by the American Cultural Center. Bio/History: Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), writer, art collector, and salonniste./ Alice B. Toklas (1877-1967), companion and secretary to Gertrude Stein, and writer./ Leo Stein (1872-1947), artist and writer. |
extent | 9 boxes (3.78 linear feet), 1 oversize folder. |
formats | Correspondence Financial Records Legal Papers Manuscript Personal Papers |
access | Open for research. |
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finding aid | An unpublished finding aid with folder-level control is available in the repository and on the Internet. |
acquisition information | Gifts of Carlton Lake and purchase, 1970, 1985, 1997. |
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title | Artist file: Stein, Gertrude , 1874-1946 |
repository | Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Library |
description | Folder(s) may include exhibition announcements, newspaper and/or magazine clippings, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, illustrations, resumes, artist's statements, exhibition catalogs. |
extent | 1+ folders (check with repository) |
formats | Ephemera |
access | Folder(s) do not circulate. Folder(s) available for use only at the holding library |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Cone Collection Records, 1929-2008 (BMA.7) |
repository | Baltimore Museum of Art |
description | The Cone Collection Records measure 5.4 linear feet and date from 1929 to 2008. They contain a collection of material concerning the Cone Collection of art donated to The Baltimore Museum of Art by Etta Cone in 1949. It includes documents regarding the acquisition of the art collection as well as correspondence, photographs, clippings and publications related to the Cones and their collection. Series 1, Acquisition of the Collection contains 9 subseries: Claribel Cone's Will and Estate, Etta Cone's Will, Disbursement of Etta Cone's Estate, Transfer of Cone Bequest to BMA, Valuation of the Collection, Expertizing Collection, Appraisals, Bequest to Weatherspoon Art Gallery, and Sale of Duplicate Books. Series 2, Collection Catalogues contains six subseries: 1930 Catalogue, Etta Cone's 1934 Catalogue, Projected Supplement to 1934 Catalogue, 1967 Catalogue (Revision of 1955 Edition), Cone Annual, and Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta. Series 3, Exhibitions, contains eight subseries: Lectures and Tours, Cone Memorial Exhibition, 1950; Knoedler Galleries, 1955; Cone Wing; Wildenstein, 1974; Reinstallation, 1974; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1991; and Matisse and Modern Masters from the Cone Collection of the Baltimore Museum of Art, in Japan, 1996. Series 4, Works in Cone Collection, contains six subseries: General, Thannhauser Monet/Gauguin, Kota Reliquary Analysis Project, Conservation and Housing, Lists of Works, and Frames. Series 5, Correspondence, contains ten subseries: Photographs and Artworks, Rights to Reproduce, Laura Cone, Marguerite Duthuit-Matisse, Ellen Hirschland, Louisiana Auction Exchange, Pierre Matisse, Teresa Bernstein Meyerowitz, Museum of Modern Art, and General. Series 6, Researchers, contains five subseries: Will Ameringer, Mildred G. Blum, Irene Gordon, Barbara Pollack, and Mary Gabriel. Series 7, Stein Family, contains four subseries: Gertrude Stein Material from Yale, Edward Dwight Material, Irene Gordon Compilation of Stein Correspondence at Yale, and General. Series 8, Cone Family, contains four subseries: Genealogy, Blowing Rock, Owl's Roost, Frederic W. Cone, and Personal Reminiscences about the Cones. Series 9, Clippings and Publications, contains five subseries: Acquisition of the Collection, Works in Cone Collection, Marlborough Apartments, Stein Family, and General. Series 10, Photographs, contains four subseries: Exhibitions, Works in Cone Collection, Stein Family, and Cone Family. Language: English; The material in this collection is in English and French. Preferred Citation Cone Collection Records, Archives and Manuscripts Collections, The Baltimore Museum of Art. Associated materials: Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta Cone Papers; Baltimore Museum of Art. |
extent | 5.4 Linear feet (15 boxes) |
formats | Business Papers Legal Papers Correspondence Clippings Photographs |
access | For further information, consult a Library staff member. |
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finding aid | Unpublished guide available from the Archives and Manuscripts Collections, The Baltimore Museum of Art. |
acquisition information | Various sources. Processed by Emily Rafferty in 2004 with additions in 2008. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:49 |
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title | Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta Cone Papers, Series 5. Photographs |
repository | Baltimore Museum of Art |
description | Series 5, Photographs, contains photographs of the Cone sisters, other members of the Cone family, the Marlborough Apartments and the Steins and their homes. There are also photographs of sites visited by Claribel and Etta, artists whose work is in their collection, and works of art in their collection or that they may have considered purchasing. It is arranged in eleven subseries: Claribel Cone, Etta Cone, Claribel Cone and Etta Cone, Cone Family, Marlborough Apartments, Sites, Steins, Artists, Works of Art, Installations, and Unidentified. The Works of Art subseries includes photographs of paintings, sculptures and works on paper some of which became part of the Cone Collection. Many of these photographs were sent to the Cones by art dealers in order to interest them in purchasing a particular work. Those that were originally enclosed with correspondence have been moved to this series and notations have been made on the enclosure about the origin. One item of particular note in this subseries is a scrapbook that Louis Favre created for the Cones of photographs of his works and of himself in 1927. Five photographs of Matisse at work that were originally part of the Cone Papers have been transferred to the Prints, Drawings and Photographs Department and accessioned into the Museum’s collection. For more information, contact the Prints, Drawings and Photographs Department of the Baltimore Museum of Art. One important photograph of Matisse that does remain with the Cone Papers depicts him with the sculpture, Le Serf. The Cone Family subseries contains a group of photographic postcards of Ceasar and Jeanette Cone’s vacation home, Camp Carolina, in Lake Placid, New York. The postcards depict the interior and exterior of the house, which was designed by Max Westhoff and built in 1913. Also included in this Series is a group of photographs of various members of the Cone Family that was donated by Mrs. Ethel Berney. Mrs. Berney marked each of them on the back and in a few instances on the front with the names of the persons in the photograph. These photographs have been interfiled with the rest of the Photographs series and have notations on the enclosures about their provenance. Several other photographs of Gertrude and Leo Stein’s apartment donated by Ferris Sands Hetherington, brother of Laura Freedlander, are included in the Series as well. These have also been interfiled with the rest of the Photographs series with notations on the enclosures about their provenance. Preferred Citation Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta Cone Papers, Archives and Manuscripts Collections, The Baltimore Museum of Art |
extent | 3.0 Linear feet ; 5 boxes, 1 oversize box. |
formats | Photographs |
access | The collection is open for research. Microfilm of Series 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 is available at the BMA Library and the Archives of American Art. Microfilmed portions must be consulted on microfilm. Please call the Library for an appointment to use the microfilm or contact the Archives of American Art. In addition, transcriptions of correspondence have been copied and bound in chronological order and are avaialble in the Library. |
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bibliography | Gabriel, Mary. The Art of Acquiring: Portrait of Etta and Claribel Cone. Bancroft: BRAD, 2002. |
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finding aid | In repository and on repository's website |
acquisition information | Bequest of Etta Cone on her death in 1949. Further donations of material were made in 1985 and 1995 by the Cones’ great-grandnephew, Edward F. Cone and great-grandniece Nancy Ramage, and great-grand nephews Edward Hirschland and Roger Hirschland in 2007. |
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title | Sherwood Anderson papers, 1872–1992 |
repository | Newberry Library |
description | Correspondence, scrapbooks, clippings, photographs, audiovisual material, royalty statements, personal financial records, artifacts, miscellaneous ephemera, autographed works, and literary manuscripts (many unpublished; also fragments, notes, and tentative sketches for short stories). Biography of Sherwood Anderson Sherwood Anderson was born Sept. 13, 1876, in Camden, Ohio, the third child of seven born to a harnessmaker and his wife. The family moved often, settling in Clyde, Ohio in 1884. Sherwood didn't spend much time in school; he was nicknamed "Jobby" as a young boy due to the numbers of odd jobs he took on instead to help support his family. After his mother's early death in 1895 Anderson moved to Chicago for a couple of years, until he joined the army and was an infantryman in Cuba during the Spanish-American War. After his service he moved to Springfield, Ohio and enrolled in Wittenberg College for a year (1899-1900), where he met a friend who found him a job as an advertising copywriter and space salesman for Long-Critchfield Company in Chicago. In 1906 he moved with his first wife, Cornelia Lane Anderson, to Cleveland, Ohio, to set up a mail order house. A year later he established his own mail order paint business in Elyria, Ohio. It was there on Nov. 27, 1912 that Anderson suddenly left his office and wandered the countryside for four days, until he was found and hospitalized for exhaustion. Whether this incident was a nervous breakdown or a veiled attempt to leave his business and family to pursue a more artistic lifestyle is still under speculation. Whatever the reason, he soon left Ohio for good and moved back to Chicago to work again for the Long-Critchfield Company. This time, however, he was determined to also be a novelist, and joined the Chicago literary and journalist circles, which included Margaret Anderson of the Little Review, Harriet Monroe of Poetry Magazine, and writers Ben Hecht and Carl Sandburg. He began publishing short stories and poetry regularly in the aforementioned magazines, and his novel-writing career began in 1916 with the publication of Windy McPherson's Son. His real fame as a writer came in 1919, with the publication of his classic work, Winesburg, Ohio. From the late 1910's through the mid 1920's, Anderson moved frequently, to New York City, Fairhope Alabama, New Orleans, Reno Nevada, and back to New Orleans. He met Gertrude Stein and James Joyce on his first trip to Paris in 1921, and remained friends with Stein for the rest of his life. In 1922 he befriended William Faulkner in New Orleans; Faulkner considered Anderson a mentor. In 1926 he bought a home near Marion, Virginia, which he named "Ripshin" (after a nearby creek of the same name) and, aside from travelling, lived there for the rest of his life. With money borrowed from his patron Burton Emmett, he bought two newspapers in Marion, the Marion Democrat and the Smyth County News. From this time forward he continued to write novels, short stories, autobiographical works, articles in his newspapers, and essays in other publications. Anderson was married four times: To Cornelia Lane (1904-1916), with whom he had two sons and a daughter; to artist and music teacher Tennessee Mitchell (1916-1924); to Elizabeth Prall (1924-1932); and to Eleanor Copenhaver (1933-1941). Copenhaver, an executive with the YWCA, was interested in labor conditions in the South, and was inspiring to Anderson in terms of topics for his articles on social justice and the plight of the American workingman and African Americans. In early 1941, he embarked on the S.S. Santa Lucia with Eleanor, Thornton Wilder, and others on an unofficial good-will tour of South America. He became gravely ill at sea, was taken to a hospital in Colon, in the Panama Canal Zone, and died of peritonitis on March 8, 1941. The newspaper accounts reported one month later that before embarking on his trip, he apparently accidentally ingested a wooden toothpick, which pierced the abdominal wall and caused the fatal infection. |
extent | 61 cubic ft. (121 boxes and 3 oversize boxes) |
access | The Sherwood Anderson Papers are open for research in the Special Collections Reading Room; 5 folders at a time maximum, and items in each folder will be counted before and after delivery to the patron (Priority I). |
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finding aid | Located on the Newberry Library's web site. |
acquisition information | Gift, Mrs. Eleanor Copenhaver Anderson, 1947, with subsequent donations and purchases. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:51 |
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title | Artist file |
repository | The Brooklyn Museum Libraries and Archives |
description | The file may include any of the following materials: announcements, clippings, photographs, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, small exhibition catalogs, resumés, other ephemeral material. Files compiled by BMA library staff from 1917 to the present. Preferred citation: Brooklyn Museum of Art Library Collections. BMA artist files. |
extent | 1 folder |
access | Contact the Brooklyn Library for access policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:51 |
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title | Henri Pierre Roché Papers, 1886-1971. |
repository | University of Texas, Austin |
description | The Henri Pierre Roché Papers consist of manuscripts, typescripts, notebooks, notes, clippings, correspondence, printed material, diaries, and financial and legal documentation. The papers were originally acquired from Henri Pierre Roché's widow, Denise Roché. Roché's works, both published and unpublished, are well represented in this group of papers. Material relating to the novels Jules et Jim and Deux anglaises et le continent is present and includes the correspondence and diaries of some of the individuals who later appeared as characters in the novels. For the most part, the correspondence in Series II is between Henri Pierre Roché and his two wives, Germaine Bonnard and Denise (Renard) Roché; however, other correspondents are also represented, such as Georges Braque, Jean Cocteau, Marcel Duchamp, Marie Laurencin, Pablo Picasso, Erik Satie, and Gertrude Stein. Series III contains Roché's daily agendas and diaries (referred to herein as "carnets"), which begin in 1901 and end in 1959, and document various aspects of his personal and professional life. Transcriptions of several carnets, through 1945, commissioned by film director François Truffaut, as well as a photocopy of one carnet, accompany the collection. Roché's interests in art, real estate, and his autobiography are well documented in the Personal and Legal Papers series. The last series contains materials relating to Roché's family. Journals, correspondence, works, financial, legal, and medical records, and printed material document the lives of Roché's mother Clara, his second wife, Denise, and his son Jean-Claude. Related Material: A catalog of the Ransom Center's 1991 exhibit, Henri Pierre Roché: An Introduction, provides additional information on Roché materials housed at the Ransom Center. The Center's Carlton Lake Collection also houses a considerable cache of letters to Roché from Marcel Duchamp, his longtime friend and collaborator. |
extent | 47 boxes, 2 oversize folders (19.74 linear feet) |
access | pen for research; curatorial permission required for access to original carnets for which transcriptions exist. Permission from copyright holders must accompany photoduplication requests for Jean Cocteau, Marcel Duchamp, Helen Hessel, Henri Pierre Roché, and Erik Satie materials. |
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finding aid | available on the Library |
acquisition information | Gifts of Carlton Lake and purchase, 1981, 1995, 1996 (G10713, R13533) |
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title | Dame Edith Sitwell Collection, 1904-1964 (bulk 1918-1960). |
repository | University of Texas, Austin |
description | Manuscripts, notebooks, correspondence, page and galley proofs, photographs, address books, and financial and legal records document the life of modernist poet and author Dame Edith Sitwell in this collection. The largest portion of these papers is comprised of works written or compiled by Edith Sitwell including The Atlantic Book of British and American Poetry, A Book of Flowers, Fanfare for Elizabeth and its sequel The Queens and the Hive, and A Notebook on William Shakespeare. Bio/History: British poet and author. Language: English; The collection is mainly written in English, although some correspondence is in French. |
extent | 112 boxes, 1 oversize box (47.04 linear feet) |
access | Open for research |
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finding aid | An unpublished finding aid with folder-level control is available in the repository and on the Internet. |
acquisition information | Acquisition: Purchases and gift, 1964-1995 (R1364, R1786, R2003, R2039, R2040, R2050, R2722, R2853, R2874, R2991, R3217, R3372, R3470, R3507, R3544, R3625, R3632, R3647, R3676, R3732, R3871, R3933, R4026, R4146, R4242, R4314, R4498, R4786, R4815, R5331, R8232, R8328, R11324, R13384) |
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title | Addison M. Metcalf Collection of Gertrude Steiniana, circa 1890-1987 (bulk 1929-1959). |
repository | Ella Strong Denison Library |
description | The Addison M. Metcalf Collection of Gertrude Steiniana consists of manuscripts, typescripts, correspondence, photographs, programs, brochures, catalogs, posters, flyers, scripts, musical scores, printed materials, artwork, sound recordings, ephemera, memorabilia, and other materials collected by Metcalf, primarily between 1945 and 1959, to document the life and work of Gertrude Stein, her reception by contemporaries, and the influence of her legacy in the first three decades after her death. Organization: The collection is arranged in the following 11 series:/ Series 1: Manuscripts and typescripts. Series 2: Performance files. Series 3: Scores and sheet music. Series 4: Exhibitions. Series 5: Photographs. Series 6: Printed materials. Series 7: Addison Metcalf correspondence. Series 8: Art works. Series 9: Sound recordings and film. Series 10: Ephemera and memorabilia. Series 11: Addison Metcalf personal and family. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Box #, Folder #, Addison M. Metcalf Collection of Gertrude Steiniana (Collection D.Mss.0014), Denison Library, Scripps College. |
extent | 30 linear feet (74 boxes + 4 map-case folders). |
access | This collection is open for research. |
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finding aid | Finding aid available in Ella Strong Denison Library and on the Internet. |
acquisition information | Gift of Addison M. Metcalf, 1959, with additional gifts and bequest, 1960-1983. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:51 |
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title | Georges Hugnet Papers 1920-1971. |
repository | University of Texas, Austin |
description | Forms part of the Carlton Lake Collection of French Manuscripts. Handwritten and typed manuscripts, correspondence, printed material, photos, collages, and artwork document Georges Hugnet's life and work from 1920-1971. The Works series is composed of original works by Georges Hugnet. Included in this series is the handwritten manuscript for Non vouloir, one of the earliest French Resistance publications, published in 1940. Letters written by Hugnet in Series II. are dominated by those to Germaine (Pied) Hugnet, his first wife. The Recipient series forms the bulk of the papers and includes letters from Paul Éluard, Marcelle Ferry, Valentine Hugo, Man Ray, Virgil Thomson, and Alice Toklas and richly demonstrates the friendships and business acquaintances of George Hugnet. The final series, Other Papers, contains artwork, building plans, personal documents, printed materials, and documents written by other individuals, either as works or correspondence that are included in the George Hugnet papers. Bio/History: French poet and critic. Organization: This collection is arranged into four series: I. Works, 1929-1945, II. Letters, 1931-1971, III. Recipient, 1920-1970, and IV. Other Papers, 1929-1967. Language: French; Most material is written in French, some correspondence in English. Related Material Other Georges Hugnet materials are available at the Ransom Center. Letters between Georges Hugnet and Gertrude Stein are found in the Gertrude Stein segment of the Carlton Lake Collection as well as proofs for Stein and Hugnet's attempted collaboration Enfances. Valentine Hugo's papers, also in the Carlton Lake Collection, contain correspondence between Hugnet and Hugo. The Photography Collection has an exhibition guide from the Galerie Zabriskie titled "Georges Hugnet, artist, poet, critic: an exhibition of surrealist collages including original works". An audio recording of Hugnet reading Tout beau mon coeur was transferred to the Sound Recordings Collection. Additionally, multiple books were transferred from the Georges Hugnet Papers to the Ransom Center Library. Most of the transferred books contain autographed inscriptions for Georges or Germaine Hugnet. |
extent | 18.5 boxes (7.77 linear feet) |
access | Open for research |
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finding aid | An unpublished finding aid with folder-level control is available in the repository and on the Internet |
acquisition information | Purchases and gifts of Carlton Lake 1973, 1974, 1985, 1987, 2002 (R6840, R6841, G2284, R11331, G12083) |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:51 |
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