Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Vanderbilt, William K. (William Kissam), 1878-1944

titleVanderbilt Collection at Eagle's Nest, Vanderbilt Museum
repositoryVanderbilt Museum
descriptionThe collections contain over 12,000 documents and images on the life and interests of William K. Vanderbilt II.

Included are more than 1,000 books on exploration, natural history and the decorative arts, scientific journals, 15 scrapbooks, over 5,000 black and white photographs documenting Vanderbilt's family life and scientific explorations, and architectural plans and photo albums of the Centerport, L.I. and Fisher Island, Florida estates.

Log books from Vanderbilt's around-the-world expeditions document his experiences and the people and places he visited during the 1920s and 1930s. Over 300 original pen-and-ink and watercolor illustrations of marine specimens by William E. Belanske, Vanderbilt's curator during the expeditions, are preserved. Original, one-of-a-kind photos and documentation of the Vanderbilt Cup Races on Long Island (1904-1906, 1908-1910) and the building and history of Vanderbilt's Long Island Motor Parkway are also preserved.
extentca 12,000 documents
formatsPrinted Materials Photographs Ephemera Scrapbooks Photograph Album
accessContact repositoroy for restrictions
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updated02/14/2025 10:07:32

titleLog book and visitors' book of the yacht Valiant, 1893-1907.
repositoryThe New-York Historical Society
descriptionLog book and visitors' book, 1893-1907, of William K. Vanderbilt's steam yacht Valiant. The log book begins with a description of the yacht's building by Laird Brothers at Birkenhead, and continues with a log of her voyages, including a summary on a laid-in printed slip of one voyage from New York to Gibraltar, and a written itinerary of a Mediterranean cruise early in 1907. The visitors' book contains signatures of visitors to the yacht, who include numerous aristocratic and well-known people, and lists of people present at parties held on the yacht, including seating plans for lunch and dinner parties.

New-York Historical Society

Mss Collection

Call Number
BV Vanderbilt, William
extent2 v.
accessAccess: open to qualified researchers at the New-York Historical Society
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updated02/14/2025 10:07:32

titleMattie E. Hewitt and Richard A. Smith photograph collection [graphic], ca. 1910-1960 (bulk 1920-1939)
repositoryThe New-York Historical Society
descriptionThe New-York Historical Society received material for approximately 485 assignments, most of them residences in Manhattan. There are approximately 5,000 photographic prints and 400 film negatives. Approximately three-quarters of the photographs are credited to Hewitt, and the remainder are by Smith.

The bulk of the clients are popular magazines and interior decorators. Views of fashionable apartment interiors, newly built houses, small urban gardens, and other residential settings display the work of decorators and the tastes of well-known people, among them designer Raymond Loewy and photographer Margaret Bourke-White. There are also interiors of hotels, restaurants, clubs, shops, and decorator exhibitions. Miscellaneous images include a 1940 "House of Ideas," a Vanderbilt family yacht, and a radio station. Captions are usually limited to client's name and address and are often dated. The decorator is identified for about half of the assignments.

Historical Note:
Noted garden and architecture photographer Mattie Edwards Hewitt (d. 1956) moved to New York city in 1909 to share a studio with Frances Benjamin Johnston. By the 1920s, she was working independently. When Hewitt retired to Boston, she left her working files to her nephew, Richard Averill Smith, who added to them many of his own prints.

After Smith's death in 1971, the Nassau County Museum received more than 12,000 photographs and distributed many to various historical societies according to their geographic interests.

Cite as
Mattie E. Hewitt and Richard A. Smith Photograph Collection, Dept. of Prints, Photographs, and Architectural Collections, The New-York Historical Society.

New-York Historical Society
Print RoomPR-026
extentca. 5,000 photographic prints : b&w ; 8 x 10 in. or smaller.
accessAccess: open to qualified researchers at The New-York Historical Society.
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finding aidIndexes: Finding aid and item level database for this collection available online and at repository. Prints are arranged alphabetically by the name of the resident or business.
acquisition informationGift from the Nassau County Museum in 1971.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:41

titleMatilda Young Papers, 1932-1933.
repositoryDuke University Library
descriptionLetters of Miss Young, paid companion of Mrs. Alva Murray (Smith) Vanderbilt Belmont during 1932, commenting on Mrs. Belmont and the Vanderbilt family; together with Mrs. Belmont's memoirs, describing her personal life as a child, in Mobile, Ala., New York City, and Paris, and as a wife, hostess, and militant feminist, social life and the family estates in New York City and Newport, R.I., women's rights, her marriage to and divorce from William K. Vanderbilt, Sr., and marriage to Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont, and her three children, William K. Vanderbilt, Jr., Harold S. Vanderbilt, and Consuelo (Vanderbilt) Spencer-Churchill Balsan.
extent28 items.
formatsCorrespondence Diaries
accessContact Assistant Curator for Reader Services, Manuscript Dept., Duke University Library, Durham, N.C., 27706.
record source
acquisition informationPurchase 1966
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titleVanderbilt Museum of Suffolk County (Centerport, N.Y.) Scrapbooks, logbooks and photo albums, ca. 1885-1952, ca. 1900-ca. 1940 (bulk)
repositoryVanderbilt Museum
descriptionScrapbooks and photograph albums of William K. Vanderbilt II and various members of his family; also logbooks kept by Vanderbilt as captain on voyages aboard his yachts.

Scrapbooks of newspaper clippings contain news about the Vanderbilt family from the 1880s on. Photo albums and scrapbooks document William Kissam Vanderbilt II's homes and estates in Lake Success and Centerport, Long Island; his interest in automobile racing in Europe and on Long Island; his travels around the world on his steam yachts including the Tarantula, the Eagle, the Alva and the Ara; and his interst in marine biology.

Other items of note include a photo album of William K. Vanderbilt III, 1918; an album of photos, clippings and notes about the funeral of Vanderbilt's mother, Alva Smith Vanderbilt Belmont, 1933; and scrapbooks of clippings and letters concerning The Glitter and The Gold, a book written by Vanderbilt's sister, Consuelo Balsan, 1952.

William Kissam Vanderbilt II (1878-1944) was son of William K. Vanderbilt I and great grandson of Cornelius Vanderbilt.
extentca. 160 v.
formatsScrapbooks Photographs Notes Ephemera
accessContact repositoroy for restrictions
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updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titleVanderbilt Museum of Suffolk County (Centerport, N.Y.) Records, ca. 1920-ca. 1975.
repositoryVanderbilt Museum
descriptionRecords and papers of William K. Vanderbilt II and his Marine Museum as well as records of the Vanderbilt Museum after it came under the administration of Suffolk County.

There are catalogs of specimens; correspondence with other museums, zoos, scientists and such organizations as the Long Island Biological Association and the National Geographic Society; records relating to taxidermy and mounting of specimens; correspondence of Charles H. Stoll, a trustee, Walter Fasbender, director, and others regarding contributions to the museum and other administrative affairs; correspondence about construction and alterations to the Museum buildings; bills and other business records; and papers relating to museum publications.

Of note are papers of William E. Belanske, an artist who accompanied Vanderbilt on many of his collecting expeditions, including field notes, measurements, sketches and watercolors of specimens; and photoprints, negatives and glass plate photographs of expeditions and specimens.

Historical/biog note:
In the 1920s, William K. Vanderbilt opened a museum on the grounds of his Centerport mansion to display fish and other marine specimens which he had collected on several worldwide cruises. After his death he left the museum as well as the mansion and grounds to Suffolk County to be maintained for the benefit of the public.
extentca. 15 cubic ft.
formatsAdministrative Records
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
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updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titleVanderbilt Museum of Suffolk County (Centerport, N.Y.) Architectural drawings, ca. 1920-ca. 1940.
repositoryVanderbilt Museum
descriptionOriginal architect's drawings and blueprints of the Spanish-style home of William K. Vanderbilt II at Centerport, Long Island, known as Eagle's Nest, showing the various additions and alterations which over the years converted a seven-room cottage into a 24-room mansion; most of the work was done by the firm of Warren & Wetmore.
extentca. 150 items.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
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updated02/14/2025 10:07:42