Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Walters, Henry, 1848-1931

titleWalters Art Gallery Archives
repositoryWalters Art Museum
descriptionSince its inauguration as a public institution in 1934, the Walters Art Museum has maintained records pertaining to the history of the institution and its acquisitions and exhibitions. Historical files include architectural drawings and plans for renovations and new construction, early collection catalogues, photographs of installations, Walters family memorabilia, and correspondence regarding the development of the collections and their conveyance to the city of Baltimore.
formatsAdministrative Records Catalogs Photographs Ephemera Correspondence
accessThe archives are not yet open to the public, but the museum's staff is willing to answer questions and make available material pertaining to the history of the museum.
bibliographyA history of the Walters family and the creation of the museum is provided in William R. Johnston's William and Henry Walters, the Reticent Collectors (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press in association with the Walters Art Gallery, 1999).
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:32

titleWilliam Henry Rinehart Fund records, 1875-1930.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionCorrespondence, business records, printed matter, photographs and miscellany.

A statement of purpose of the fund; a volume of Rinehart Committee meeting minutes, including Rinehart's will; abstracts of minutes and reports of the Rinehart Committtee; a ledger recording Rinehart Fund expenditures, including cash paid for scholarships, instructors' salaries, models, shipment of works from Rome and Paris to Baltimore, and sculpture acquisitions; William T. Walters and B. F. Newcomer's account with Rinehart's estate; bills and receipts; printed material, including regulations for scholarships; clippings; and miscellany.

Correspondence includes ca. 200 letters from Rome and Paris, from Rinehart scholars including letters from J. Edgar Stouffer, with one letter containing 5 photographs of his sculpture, C. Percival Dietsch, Alexander Phimister Proctor, Hermon Atkins MacNeil, Hans Schuler, Charles Keck, J. Maxwell Miller and others; correspondence and indexed abstracts of letters of the Rinehart Advisory Committee, including letters from Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Daniel Chester French, Edwin Howland Blashfield and Charles K. McKim; correspondence of the Rinehart Fund Committee and Peabody Institute officials, including letters from Daniel Coit Gilman, Faris C. Pitt, Lawrason Riggs, Henry Walters, and P.R. Uhler; and a letterpress book.

Gilman, Daniel Coit, 1831-1908
Keck, Charles, 1875-1951
MacNeil, Hermon Atkins, 1866-1947
Miller, Joseph Maxwell, 1877-1933
Pitt, Faris C.
Proctor, Alexander Phimister, 1862-1950
Riggs, T. Lawrason (Thomas Lawrason), 1888-1943
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 1848-1907
Schuler, Hans, 1874-1951
Stouffer, J. Edgar
Uhler, Philip R., 1835-1913
Walters, Henry, 1848-1931
Walters, W. T. (William Thompson), 1820-1894
Blashfield, Edwin Howland, 1848-1936
Dietsch, C. Percival, 1881-1961
French, Daniel Chester, 1850-1931
Johns Hopkins University. Peabody Institute

Bio / His Notes:
The American neo-classical sculptor, Willam Henry Rinehart, established this fund through a bequest to provide scholarships for young artists to study in Paris and at the American Academy in Rome. Administered through the Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md.
extentca. 800 items (on partial microfilm reel) reel 3162
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record linkn/a
record source
acquisition informationLent for microfilming 1984 by the Peabody Institute. Originals in Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Maryland.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:32