Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Christie, Lansdell K., d. 1965.

titleRON NESSEN PAPERS, 1974-77
repositoryGerald R. Ford Presidential Library
descriptionSubstantive materials on press strategy and relations, the organization of the press secretary's office, the 1976 presidential campaign, and domestic and foreign policy issues comprise much of the collection. The remainder includes invitations, extensive runs of press releases and press wire copy, and other routine documentation. Accretions of papers, consisting of handwritten notes from numerous meetings and briefings, additional press office subject files, and transcripts of Nessen’s audio diary have been added at the end of the collection.
extent8 sheets
formatsAdministrative Records
accessOpen. Some items may be temporarily restricted under terms of the donor's deed of gift, a copy of which is available on request, or under National Archives and Records Administration general restrictions (36 CFR 1256).
record link
finding aid
updated02/14/2025 10:07:53

titleFarmer (Garland R.) papers
repositoryHoover Institution
descriptionCorrespondence, reports, business and financial records, bulletins, statistical data, pamphlets, serial issues, clippings, other printed matter, and photographs relating to iron ore mining in Liberia and to political, social, and economic conditions in Liberia. Includes some material relating to Ghana and other countries of Africa, and to Lansdell K. Christie, founder of the Liberia Mining Company.
extent50 manuscript boxes, 1 oversize box, 1 oversize folder (20.5 Linear Feet)
accessThe collection is open for research; materials must be requested in advance via our reservation system. If there are audiovisual or digital media material in the collection, they must be reformatted before providing access.
record link
record source
finding aid
updated02/14/2025 10:07:54

repositoryIndiana University Library
updated02/14/2025 10:07:54

titleWilliam V.S. Tubman Photograph Collection
repositoryIndiana University
descriptionWilliam Vacanarat Shadrach Tubman (1895-1971) was Liberia’s longest-serving president, in office from 1944 to 1971. During his presidency Tubman travelled extensively, visiting many African countries both pre- and post-independence, Haiti and Trinidad as well as other Caribbean countries, the United States and many European countries. In turn Liberia received frequent return visits by Heads of State and other high-ranking officials. The William V. S. Tubman Photography collection contains over 5,500 photographs, most documenting official functions such as trips, inspection tours, formal receptions and inaugurations. Tubman family member appear in many of the photographs in an official capacity, but the collection also includes family photographs. Most photographs were taken by official photographers for Liberia or the host governments.
extent5,558 images
record link
finding aidn/a
acquisition informationn/a
updated02/14/2025 10:07:54