Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Riggs, George Washington, 1813-1881

titleRiggs family Papers, 1839-1933
repositoryDuke University Library
descriptionCorrespondence, legal papers, financial papers, pictures, and printed material of the Riggs family of Washington, D.C. Correspondence relates to the interest of George Washington Riggs, founder of Riggs and Company and of the Riggs National Bank, in collecting art objects, currency, and paintings, and to his investments in Washington real estate and to the various investments of his children and grandchildren.

Legal papers relate principally to the settlement of the estates of various members of the family. Financial papers relate chiefly to Alice and Jane Riggs, daughters of G.W. Riggs, and a few bills of exchange.

Printed materials include inaugural souvenirs representing the Cleveland through the Coolidge administrations. Among the pictures are photographs of the Riggs sisters, and autographed photographs belonging to G.W. Riggs.
extent330 items
formatsFinancial Papers Correspondence Legal Papers Records Estate Papers Photographs
accessReading Room use only
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:30

titleRiggs family papers, 1763-1945.
repositoryLibrary of Congress
descriptionFamily and business correspondence, diaries, account books, writings, financial records, biographical and genealogical papers, printed materials, and other papers of Riggs family members.

Includes papers (1813-1896) of Elisha Riggs (1779-1853) relating to family affairs, travel in Europe, sales of land in Illinois, and the development of his New York mercantile business; papers (1844-90 of Elisha Riggs, Jr. (1826-1881) relating to travel in Great Britain, the firm of Corcoran & Riggs, and the Averill Coal and Oil Company of West Virginia; papers (1860-1910) of Elisha Francis Riggs (1851-1910); papers (1887-1935) of Elisha Francis Riggs, Jr. (1887-1936) relating to family matters, military service at Fort Riley, Kan., and in the Philippines, and diplomatic service in Russia during the Russian Revolution; papers (1836-1881) of George W. Riggs (1813-1881) relating, in part, to Corcoran & Riggs; and papers (1821-1882) of Romulus Riggs (1782-1846).

Also includes the papers (1887-1945) of Thomas Riggs, Jr. (1873-1945) relating to gold mining in Alaska, the Alaskan Engineering Commission, his governorship of Alaska, the Alaska Boundary Survey, and to family matters; papers (1790-1943) of Thomas Lawrason Riggs (1888-1943) relating to personal and family matters, World War I service with the U.S. Army American Expeditionary Forces in France, experiences as a Catholic priest, and writings; and papers (1850-1912) of William Henry Riggs (1837-1924) relating to his travels in Egypt, Palestine, Spain, and Syria, and to his interests in the art world, including his donations to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Includes papers of other family members and records of the firm of Corcoran & Riggs relating, in part, to the financing of the Mexican War and the settlement (1843) of Choctaw and Chickasaw land claims.

Correspondents include George Bancroft, Clara Barton, Thomas Hart Benton, Albert Bierstadt, Dion Boucicault, James Buchanan, Ole Bull, John C. Calhoun, George Earle Chamberlain, Walter Eli Clark, Grover Cleveland, W.W. Corcoran, Frederic R. Coudert, Frederick S. Cozzens, J.L.M. Curry, Jefferson Davis, John W. Davis, John Elliott, Ernest Gruening, Joseph F. Guffey, Nathan Hale, Franklin K. Lane, Francis Napier, George Newbold, Noel J. Ogilvie, John Howard Payne, George Peabody, James K. Polk, William Henry Seward, John Slidell, Buckingham Smith, Julian Street, Booth Tarkington, Daniel Webster, Levi Woodbury, and Brigham Young.

Biographical/Historical Data:
Merchant and banking family of New York, N.Y., Philadelphia, Pa., and Washington, D.C.
extent100,000 items; 359 containers; 3 microfilm reels.
formatsCorrespondence Diaries Financial Papers Personal Personal Papers Ephemera
accessRestrictions apply.
record source
finding aidFinding aid available in the Library of Congress Manuscript Reading Room.
acquisition informationGift, various family members and the Riggs National Bank, 1907-1975.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:30

titleJohn Hay Papers, 1829-1916
repositoryBrown University, John Hay Archives
descriptionHay's correspondence with his family and with literary, diplomatic, and political contemporaries; Civil War diaries and those kept by Hay as Secretary of the Legations in Paris, Vienna, and Madrid, 1866-1870; manuscript poems; galley proofs; personal letterpress copy books. Subjects include: Civil War; Lincoln and his administration; Reconstruction; court life in Paris; Hay's choice of careers; the bi-metal monetary standard; the Canadian boundary settlement; the fur seal question; Japanese naval activity; British politics; American political affairs, etc.

Brown class of 1858. Secretary to Abraham Lincoln; Ambassador to Court of St. James; Secretary of State; author
extentOver 9100 items
formatsCorrespondence Manuscript Diaries
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidTypescript inventory available for small portion of collection. Items individually cataloged in Manuscript Card Catalog
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleDonald McClelland papers, 1857-1968.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionPapers collected by McClelland concerning the Corcoran Gallery of Art and Renwick Gallery including: letters from Moses Ezekiel to Dr. William McLeod, George Riggs, and William W. Corcoran, 1877-1883; a letter from James Renwick to Dr. William MacLeod [sic], and one to Corcoran, 1881; clippings and printed material concerning Ezekiel, Corcoran, Renwick, and the Corcoran Gallery of Art; correspondence regarding the John Howard Payne Monument at Tunis, l885; and photos of the Corcoran Mansion and grounds.

Bio / His Notes:
Art historian, Washington, D.C. On staff of Registrar's Office the National Collection of Fine Arts, renamed the National Museum of American Art.
extent0.2 linear ft.
formatsPhotocopies Correspondence
accessUnmicrofilmed: use requires an appointment
record linkn/a
record source
acquisition informationDonated by Donald McClelland, who had the items copied from the Corcoran Gallery, D.C. Historical Society, and possibly other sources. All photocopies except photographs. Location of Original: Originals in the possession of the Corcoran Gallery, D.C. Historical Society, and possibly other repositories
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleCorcoran & Riggs partnership documents, 1840-1848
repositoryGeorge Washington University
descriptionThe collection consists of two documents related to the history of Corcoran & Riggs a predecessor of Riggs Bank. These documents include an April 14, 1840 memorandum of co-partnership between William Corcoran and George W. Riggs. The letter, which does not have a recipient, is dated June 16, 1848 is dissolution of the firm of Corcoran & Riggs as run by William Corcoran and George W. Riggs and the creation of firm Corcoran & Riggs run by William W. Corcoran and Elisha Riggs Jr.

Historical or Biographical Note
The earliest incarnation of Riggs Bank was formed in 1836 when William Wilson Corcoran opened a small brokerage house. In 1840, Corcoran and George Washington Riggs, the son of a neighbor, formed "Corcoran & Riggs", which offered checking and depositing services. The bank got a major boost in 1844, when The U.S. government assigned Corcoran & Riggs to be the only federal depository in Washington. In 1854 Corcoran retired, and the bank changed its name to "Riggs & Co." After accepting a government charter, "Riggs National Bank" was born in 1896. By 1900, Riggs was twice as large as any other bank in D.C. It embarked on a successful project to become known as the bank of embassies and diplomats, and by 1950 most embassies in Washington were customers. Many branches thereafter opened within embassies in Washington D.C. and London. In the early 2000s, Riggs Bank was bought by PNC for $779 million on July 16, 2004

extent0.25 Linear feet
formatsBusiness Papers
accessSome material may be copyrighted or restricted. It is the patron's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other case restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in the collections.
record source
acquisition informationThese items were donated by Page Riggs Bradley and Murray Lee Bradley in 2007.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleLetter : Washington, D.C., to Joel Munsell, Albany, 1869 Oct. 28.
repositoryGeorge Washington University
descriptionHolograph signed. Asks to be sent a copy of a Spanish work translated by Buckingham Smith.

Biographical Note
Washington banker; one of founders of Corcoran & Riggs banking firm.

GW: GELMAN Special Collections
Call Number:
Mss. Coll.
extent1 item (1 leaf) ; 21 cm.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidForms part of: W. Lloyd Wright Collection.
acquisition informationGift of Matilda Wright, 1950.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titleLetter : Washington, to W. Stone, Jr., 1861 March 18.
repositoryGeorge Washington University
descriptionIn Collection:
Wright, W. Lloyd (William Lloyd), 1876-1950. Collection, 1791-1950.

Biographical Note
Washington banker; one of founders of Corcoran & Riggs banking firm.

GW: GELMAN Special Collections

Call Number:
Mss. Coll.
extent1 item (1 leaf) ; 21 cm.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidForms part of: W. Lloyd Wright Collection.
acquisition informationGift of Matilda Wright, 1950.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42