Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Frick, Helen Clay, 1888-1984

titleDuveen Brothers Records, 1876-1981, bulk 1909-1964
repositoryThe Metropolitan Museum of Art
descriptionThe records provide an detailed view of the Duveen Brothers business activities in London, Paris, and New York. Although the archive extends from 1876-1981, the bulk of the material dates from Joseph Duveen's tenure as president of the firm, 1909-1939, and the period from 1939 to 1964 when Edward Fowles directed the firm (with Armand Lowengard until 1943). The mass of documents, such as cables and letters, invoices, and ledger and stock books, give a day-by-day account of art dealing, business strategy, and the individuals involved

NOTE Series I (ca. 112 linear feet) contains the firm's business records. Stock books indicate where objects were sent for repair, to whom objects were sent on approbation along with the date of sale and the price realized. Invoices include receipts, sales invoices sent to clients, lists of cablegrams and shipment of stock from each branch of the business

Series II (ca. 155 linear feet) consists of papers and correspondence which broadly cover the interaction between the Duveen Brothers firm and its clients, business associates, and the public. The correspondence describes art collecting trends among museums and individuals, the availability and purchase of art, art research and authentication, and the firm's general business practices. Eleven boxes of correspondence with Bernard Berenson detail his business relationship with the firm. Also included are records of lawsuits, correspondence between branches (some written in code), correspondence with museums, papers regarding galleries, Edward Fowles' papers, papers concerning exhibitions and loans, and papers regarding major art collectors and consultants. Some records of Kleinberger Galleries (apparently the papers of Harry G. Sperling, president) form a subseries within this series, and contain correspondence

Series III (c. 127 linear feet) includes some photographs, indices, negatives, and x-rays. This series represents the Duveen Brother's stock of images. Indices are available for the majority of the negatives in cold storage

("X Book" (Berenson transaction) is the only unique Duveen document not transferred to the GRI. It has not yet been photocopied. The "X Book" details, for a limited number (about 250) of Italian paintings in which Berenson had a financial interest, precise dates of purchase and sale, primarily in the years 1910-27. There is no index.) AAM

Watson Library Reference

Microfilm Cabinet
extentCa. 394 linear ft. 584 boxes, glass negative cabinets, and 18 flat file folders. 422 microfilm reels : positive ; 35mm
formatsPhotographs X rays Correspondence Financial Records Inventories
accessMicrofilm of the archive is available for use by qualified researchers. The originals are held at the Getty Institute in CA.
record source
finding aidUnpublished finding aid available in the repository (the Getty Research Library): folder level control. Online finding aid, Watson Online, Metropololitan Art Museum.
acquisition informationThe Metropolitan Museum of Art donated the Duveen archive to the Getty Research Library in 1996. Edward Fowles had donated the archive to the Metropolitan in 1968
updated02/14/2025 10:07:30

titleHelen Clay Frick Research Files on Jean Antoine Houdon, 1930-1977
repositoryThe Frick Collection and Frick Art Research Library
descriptionPhotographs, research notes, correspondence, publications, and clippings document the research of Helen Clay Frick and Frick Art Reference Library staff on the sculptor Jean Antoine Houdon, conducted over the course of nearly 50 years. Records include typescript drafts of Miss Frick's unpublished 115-page manuscript on the life of Houdon and a preliminary draft catalogue of his works. The research also contributed to two periodical articles written by Miss Frick.

Files on over 200 Houdon works contain handwritten and typed research notes, correspondence, photos, and related newspaper and magazine clippings. Research notes may include information on owners, provenance, dates, size, materials, exhibitions, bibliographies, attributions, and biographies and background on the subjects of the works. Includes files on works of questionable attribution as well as related works and artists.

Of note are three folders of positive photostats of letters written by Houdon with transcriptions (in French), the originals of which were acquired from Jean Perron Houdon by Helen Clay Frick in the 1930s, and bequeathed to the Bibliotheque Municipale de Versailles in Miss Frick's will.

Biographical and Historical Note
Helen Clay Frick, daughter of industrialist and art collector Henry Clay Frick, founded the Frick Art Reference Library in New York City in 1920 and served as its director until 1983.

The Frick Collection Archives.

Call Number
extent4.85 cubic feet.
formatsPhotographs Research Files Correspondence Clippings Printed Materials
accessThese records are open for research under the conditions of The Frick Collection Archives access policy. Contact the Archives Department for further information at
record link
record source
finding aidAvailable online.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:36

titleLawrence Park Papers, 1910-1924.
repositoryAmerican Antiquarian Society
descriptionThis collection is a compilation of Park's extensive correspondence, for the period 1910 to 1924, with museum directors, portrait owners, authors, publishers, photographers, art connoisseurs, and a variety of scholarly institutions concerning his work in the field of colonial art. Included are letters on the value of specific works, letters with detailed descriptions of portraits, letters on the compilation of photographs of old Worcester views (with which Park became involved in 1924), letters on the advisability of unearthing the old gravestones on Worcester's common. There are also many photographs of portraits collected by Park and by Clarence Saunders Brigham (1877-1963).

Biographical and Historical Note
Lawrence Park (1873-1924) of Worcester and Groton, Mass., author and authority on American portraiture, worked as a draftsman and architect in the firm of Park and Kendall until 1914, when he chose to devote his time to the sutdy of colonial art, especially portraiture. Park soon became an authority on the works of Gilbert Stuart (1755-1828), wrote several descriptive portrait lists, was granted membership in various historical societies, and was hired as a consultant for several museums. He also produced a few genealogies and wrote for many scholarly journals.

extent3 boxes.
formatsCorrespondence Photographs
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
finding aidContents list available in library.
acquisition informationThe source of this collection is unknown.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:36

titleFrick Art Reference Library Scrapbook, 1920-1999
repositoryThe Frick Collection and Frick Art Research Library
descriptionCollection of newspaper clippings, articles, cards, photographs, illustrations, letters, and typed text, chiefly about the the Library, its founder, Helen Clay Frick, friends, and the Library staff, arranged chronologically.

v.1. 1920-1929 -- v.2. 1930-1939 -- v.3. 1940-1959 -- v.4. 1960-1979 -- v. 5. 1980-1999.

The Frick Collection Archives.

extent5 volumes
accessThese records are open for research under the conditions of The Frick Collection/Frick Art Research Library Archives access policy. Contact the Archives Department for further information at
finding aidN/A
acquisition informationaccessioned 11/06/95.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleEagle Rock 1917-1986.
repositoryArchives of American Gardens
descriptionThe folder includes worksheets.

General Note:
Eagle Rock, a 104-room brick "cottage" in the neoclassical style, was set in a romantic, 25-acre landscape. Built in 1904, this house became Henry Clay Frick's summer house. In 1969, tired of maintaining a house Helen Frick considered pretentious, she "carefully demolished" Eagle Rock, sending the billiard room paneling, the car and carriage collection and sections of wrought iron fence to the Frick Art Museum she was building near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
extent1 folder+ 39 35 mm. slides and 13 glass autochromes.
accessAccess to original images by appointment only. Researcher must submit request for appointment in writing. Certain items may be restricted and not available to researchers. For information or study purposes only. Use or copyright restrictions may exist. All requests for duplication and use must be submitted in writing and approved by Archives of American Gardens.
bibliographyProperty featured in The Henry Clay Frick Houses by Martha Frick Symington Sanger.
record source
acquisition informationReproduction: There are two duplicate 35 mm. slides (MA075030) copied from an original postcard, which is not in the collection. Six 35 mm. slides are copies of original glass lantern slides. One 35 mm. slide (MA075049) is copy of original painting belonging to Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities. Loc. of Assoc. Material: Plans and drawing exist in the Olmsted Association. Drawings and photographs are located at the Helen C. Frick Foundation in Pittsburgh, PA. Drawings by Arthur Little are located in the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleRené Gimpel papers, circa 1890-1966, bulk 1902-1930s
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionCorrespondence, photographs, diaries, printed material, and writings. Correspondence, including letters from Gimpel to his parents, 1903-1904, clients, business associates and collectors.

Correspondents include Samuel H. Kress, Florence Libby, William Gosline, Joseph Duveen, Blake-More Godwin, Jules S. Bache, Silva White, Helen Frick, Russell Spaulding and David Pell Secor. Also, 6 photographs of Rene and Ernest Gimpel and the Duveen family; accounts and lists; and typescripts of 2 plays written by Gimpel.

One photograph of Gimple, previously microfilmed under Photos of Artists II and subsequently scanned and returned to the Gimpel papers. Diaries, 1918-1945, 22 volumes; ca. 750 letters, 1908-1945, including correspondence with Bernard Berenson, Mary Cassatt, Walter Gay, Malvina Hoffman, Arthur Lee, the Rockefeller family, Marcel Proust, and others; writings; a stockbook and price lists; and exhibition catalogs.

Typed translations of letters and postcards to Gimpel from Bernard Berenson, Mary Cassatt, Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir and Paul Verlaine; 3 exhibition catalogs; a copy of Gimpel's play NOTRE DAME DE LA BELLE VERRIERE and writings on art; photographs of Gimpel (including one of him holding a tennis racket, ca. 1910, also microfilmed on reel 1817, fr. 533-534), his father, 1897, Renoir, 1921, Rose Adler, and of art work by Edgar Degas, Derain, Marie Laurencin and Claude Monet; and an essay on Gimpel's imprisonment at Montluc in Lyons, written by Victor Dechelette, a fellow prisoner.

REEL 1817 AND SCANNED One photograph of Gimple, previously microfilmed under Photos of Artists II and subsequently scanned and returned to the Gimpel papers.

REELS 415-419: Diaries, 1918-1945, 22 volumes; ca. 750 letters, 1908-1945, including correspondence with Bernard Berenson, Mary Cassatt, Walter Gay, Malvina Hoffman, Arthur Lee, the Rockefeller family, Marcel Proust, and others; writings; a stockbook and price lists; and exhibition catalogs.

REEL 918: Typed translations of letters and postcards to Gimpel from Bernard Berenson, Mary Cassatt, Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir and Paul Verlaine; 3 exhibition catalogs; a copy of Gimpel's play NOTRE DAME DE LA BELLE VERRIERE and writings on art; photographs of Gimpel (including one of him holding a tennis racket, ca. 1910,

also microfilmed on reel 1817, fr. 533-534), his father, 1897, Renoir, 1921, Rose Adler, and of art work by Edgar Degas, Derain, Marie Laurencin and Claude Monet; and an essay on Gimpel's imprisonment at Montluc in Lyons, written by Victor Dechelette, a fellow prisoner.

Co-Creator: Monet, Claude, 1840-1926
Verlaine, Paul, 1844-1896
Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959
Cassatt, Mary, 1844-1926.
Duveen, Joseph Duveen, Baron, 1869-1939
Frick, Helen Clay, 1888-1984
Gay, Walter, 1856-1937
Godwin, Blake-More, 1894-
Hoffman, Malvina, 1887-1966
Deste Photography (London, England)
extentCa. 1925 items (on 7 microfilm reels) reels 270, 415-419 and 918
formatsCorrespondence Business Records Photographs Financial Records
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record link
bibliographyPhoto of Gimpel w/tennis racket: Archives of American Art Journal, v. 12, no. 4, p. 26.
record source
acquisition informationA portion of the collection was donated to the Archives of American Art by Lawrence S. Jeppson in 1971, who received it from Jean Gimpel as research for his book on art dealers. Another gift was donated by Jean Gimpel, René Gimpel's son, in 1972. Loaned material on reels 415-419 was microfilmed in London through Jean Gimpel in 1972.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleMaterials relating to Helen C. Frick vs. Sylvester K. Stevens, 1967.
repositoryMinnesota Historical Society
descriptionPhotographic copies of an opinion (51 leaves) issued by Judge Clinton R. Weidner, Court of Common Pleas, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, in the case, Helen C. Frick vs. Sylvester K. Stevens, and two editorials (2 leaves) regarding the case. The lawsuit was brought by Helen C. Frick against Sylvester K. Stevens "for a permanent injunction to enjoin and prohibit the sale and distribution of a book entitled, 'Pennsylvania: Birthplace of a Nation' written by the defendant..." Miss Frick's contention was that statements concerning Henry C. Frick, her father, were "false, scandalous, malicious and defamatory." The case was decided in favor of the defendant.

Also included are copies of two editorials commenting on the case published in the Minneapolis Tribune and the St. Paul Dispatch.
extent1 folder (incl. 3 items).
formatsLegal Papers Clippings
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
finding aidA printed version of this catalog record is available in the repository; filed as P549.
acquisition informationOriginals: Court of Common Pleas; Cumberland County, PA
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleIsabella Stewart Gardner papers, 1760-1956.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionLetters, business records, diary, and photographs.

REEL 380-413: Primarily correspondence, mostly Gardner's own, but including family correspondence and Gardner Museum correspondence.

Also included are misc. items and printed material. Correspondents include: Edwin Austin Abbey, Lyman Abbott, Brooks Adams, Alexander Agassiz, Elizabeth C. Agassiz, Louis Agassiz, Luigi Agostini, Hamilton Aide, Thomas B. Aldrich, Abram P. Andrew, Boris Anisfeld, George Arliss, Anne L. Balch, George G. Barnard, Grace Edith Barnes, Cecilia Beaux, Martin Birnbaum, William Sturgis Bigelow, William Phipps Blake, Edwin Howland Blashfield, Wilhelm von Bode, Martin Brimmer, J. Appleton Brown, Dennis Miller Bunker, Bryson Burroughs, Theodore Byard, Morris Carter, Paul Chalfin, Conrad Chapman, John Jay Chapman, Alfred Q. Collins, Frederick Shepard Converse, Walter William Spencer Cook, Archibald Cary Coolidge, Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Charles Townsend Copeland, Kenyon Cox, Ralph Adams Cram, Francis Marion Crawford, Raymond Crosby, Sally Cross, Ralph W. Curtis, Howard G. Cushing, Charlotte Cushman, Walter Damrosch, Richard Harding Davis, Elsie De Wolfe, Mary Dexter, Nathan H. Dole, John Donoghue, Ruth Draper, Duveen Brothers, J. S. Dwight, Theodore F. Dwight, Louis Dyer, Charles W. Eliot, Barry Faulkner, Gabriel Faure, Minnie Maddern Fiske, Daniel Chester French, Helen C. Frick, Roger E. Fry, Ossip Gabrilowitsch, John Lowell Gardner, William Amory Gardner, I. M. Gaugengigl, Richard Watson Gilder, Rene Gimpel, Edwin L. Godkin, Leon Gordon, Lady Augusta Gregory, Louise I. Guiney, Edward E. Hale,
Mary (Mrs. Richard Walden) Hale, Philip Leslie Hale, Mrs. Philip Hale, Richard Hammond, Walter Hampden, George C. Hazelton, Paul Helleu, Henry Lee Higginson, Thomas W. Higginson, Robert Hinckley, Malvina Hoffman, Edward W. Hooper, Harriet Hosmer, Julia W. Howe, Archer M. Huntington, Vincent d'Indy, Henry Irving, August F. Jaccaci, Clarence King, William Kittredge, Louis Kronberg, Petr A. Kropotkin, Anna C. Ladd, John La Farge, Charles Rollinson Lamb, Charles Lanman, Charles G. Loring, James R. Lowell, Dodge Macknight, Mary L. Macomber, Richard Mansfield, Paul Manship, Frank J. Mather, Francis John McComas, Nellie Melba, Francis Davis Millet, S. Weir Mitchell, Helena Modjeska, Pierre Monteux, John S. Mosby, Gilbert Murray,

(cont.)Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Andrews Norton, Lily Norton, Richard Norton, William O'Connell, Kazuzo Okakura, Jean N. Oliver, William O. Partridge, Walter Pater, Anna Pavlova, Waldo Peirce, Joseph Pennell, Harper Pennington, Lilla Cabot Perry, Edward C. Pickering, Sophia L. Pitman, Matthew Stewart Prichard, John Quinn, Robert Reid, Amelie Rives, Elizabeth W. Roberts, Auguste Rodin, Denman Ross, Will Rothenstein, Lillian Russell, Paul J. Sachs, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Ruth St. Denis, Franklin B. Sanborn, Charles Sprague Sargent, John Singer Sargent, J.M. Sears, C. Arnold Slade, Irene Slade, Henry Davis Sleeper, F. Hopkinson Smith, George Warren Smith, Joseph L. Smith, Albert Spaulding, Maurice Sterne, William James Stillman, Julian Story, Thomas W. Story, Henry Swift,
John Addington Symonds, Ellen Terry, Celia Thaxter, Abbott H. Thayer, William R. Thayer, Mary A. Tiffany, Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer, Adelaide E. Wadsworth, Francis Amasa Walker, Mrs. Humphry Ward, Mrs. Fiske Warren, Edmund March Wheelwright, James McNeill Whistler, Margaret White, Sara de Prix Wyman Whitman, Wildenstein Galleries, Owen Wister, Charles H. Woodbury, Rufus F. Zogbaum, Anders Zorn, Mrs. Anders Zorn, and others.

REELS 631-632: Personal papers of Gardner and some records of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum including dealers' files containing invoices, notes, cancelled checks, and letters; a record book, "Prices Paid for Paintings," 1917; a record book, "Prices Paid for Works of Art"; 118 installation photographs of the museum as arranged by Gardner, 1924; a diary kept in Egypt, 1874, with sketches; a diary kept in Shanghai and India, 1883-1884; "Directions for my funeral," 1912; and "Suggestions for Running a Museum," 1913.

REELS 696-698: Letters from Bernard Berenson to Gardner, 1887-1924. Letters contain references to literary topics, Berenson's impressions of Europe, various paintings and artists, advice to Gardner on the purchase of paintings and information on their sale.

REEL 846: Checklist of Gardner's letters to Bernard and Mary Berenson, 1894-1924; typescripts of personal and official correspondence (originals found on AAA microfilm reels 696-698), 1887-1924.
extent40 microfilm reels. reels 380-413, 631-632, 696-698, and 846
formatsCorrespondence Financial Records Photographs
accessMicrofilm copies. Originals in the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, Mass.
record link
record source
finding aidReels 380-413: Finding aid available at AAA offices.
acquisition informationMicrofilm lent by Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum for duplicating, 1972-1975.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleJames Waldo Fawcett papers 1847-1968 [manuscript] bulk 1963-1968
repositoryHistorical Society of Western Pennsylvania
descriptionJames Waldo Fawcett was born October 23, 1893, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the son of James Thomas and Mary (Herron) Fawcett. At eleven years of age he became a regular contributor to the Pittsburgh Dispatch. Later, he moved to Washington, D.C., and was an editor for the Washington Post, then editorial writer for the Star, a position he held for 23 years. These papers include correspondence, research notes, newspaper clippings, speeches, book reviews and other sundry materials.

Archives Collection
MSS 0152

Preferred Citation:
Papers of James Waldo Fawcett, 1847-1968, MSS#152, Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania

extent.75 linear ft.
formatsCorrespondence Research Files Clippings Writings Ephemera
accessThis collection is open for research.
record link;c=hswpead;view=text;subview=outline;didno=MSS152
record source
finding aidOnline finding aid has been encoded as a part of the Historic Pittsburgh project a joint effort of the University of Pittsburgh and the Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania. Funding for this portion of the project has been donated by the Hillman Foundation.
acquisition informationThese papers came in one accession in 1970.Acc# 1970x Gift of James Waldo Fawcett, 1960-1967, and of his estate, 1970, (Papers).
updated02/14/2025 10:07:41

titleHelen Clay Frick Research Files on Italian Art, 1920–1933
repositoryThe Frick Collection and Frick Art Research Library
descriptionThis collection documents the research on Italian sculpture and painting conducted by Helen Clay Frick and the Frick Art Reference Library staff circa 1920-1933.

The files contain typed and handwritten research notes, black and white photographs, printed material, some correspondence, and artist bibliographies.

The primary purpose of Miss Frick's research was to annotate photographs of artworks for the Library's Photoarchive.

The collection also includes extensive bibliographic information for several Italian sculptors and painters, Miss Frick's notes and brief correspondence with Library staff, and other brief correspondence related to the purchase of photographic reproductions from well-known early 20th century photographic firms such as Alinari.

Biographical/historical note
Helen Clay Frick (1888-1984), daughter of industrialist and art collector Henry Clay Frick, founded the Frick Art Reference Library in 1920 and served as its director until 1983.

Miss Frick developed a special interest in Italian art during the 1920s, making four trips to Italy during the winter of 1923-24, and in 1925, 1927 and 1928 in order to discover and record early Italian paintings and frescos, and obtain photographs of the works, either through purchase or original photography.

Cite as
Helen Clay Frick Research Files on Italian Art. The Frick Collection Archives.

The collection is arranged in three series: Series I: Italian Sculpture, Series II: Italian Painting, and Series III: Artist Bibliographies.

The Frick Collection Archives

Call Number
extent2.5 linear feet (5 boxes).
formatsResearch Files Notes Photographs Printed Materials Correspondence
accessThese records are open for research under the conditions of The Frick Collection Archives access policy. Contact the Archives Department for further information at
record link
record source
finding aidAvailable online.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:44

titleJacques Seligmann & Co. records, 1904-1978, bulk 1913-1974
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionThe records of art gallery Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc., include extensive gallery correspondence files, reference files on American and European collectors and their collections, gallery inventory and stock records, financial records, exhibition files, auction files, and the records of subsidiary companies, including de Hauke & Co., (later Modern Paintings, Inc.), and Gersel Corporation (records for firms Tessa Corp. and Georges Haardt & Co. are not found). Included within the collection are Germain Seligman's personal correspondence, writings, and records relating to his private art collection. The records primarily document the gallery's business after becoming established in New York under the direction of Germain Seligman, but also include records of the Paris office, providing a comprehensive view of the activities and transactions of collectors and art dealers in the years leading up to and following World War II.

The largest series, Correspondence (80 ft.), includes general correspondence of Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc., primarily when Germain Seligman directed the firm and the New York office. Correspondents include U.S. and European clients, artists, collectors, museums, dealers, galleries, shippers, U.S. and foreign government agents, bankers, and insurance firms.

Also found are personal correspondence of Germain Seligman; legal correspondence and other documentation concerning specific and general legal affairs (including attempts to recover Seligmann family and gallery artwork stolen in Paris during WWII); abstracts of letters sent; a small group of outgoing correspondence; correspondence of staff and agents Theresa D. Parker, Clyfford Trevor, and Rolf Hans Waegen; and inter-office memoranda.

Series 2, Collector's Files (35 linear ft.), document the firm's extensive system of tracking important clients and collectors in the art world. Files contain descriptions or artwork, sale prices, locations, and photographs of work owned by individuals as well as major American and European museums. Included in this series are files documenting the firm's involvement with the Duc d'Arenberg Collection, the Clarence H. Mackay Collection, Mortimer L. Schiff Collection, and the Prince of Liechtenstein Collection; and additional files and notebooks relating to collectors and collections.

Auction and Exhibition Files trace the sales and exhibition activities undertaken by the firm. Reference Files includes a card catalog to books and catalogs in the firm's library, and a photograph reference index to works.
Financial Files and Shipping Records consists primarily of records of the New York office, and includes purchase receipt files, credit notes, invoices, consignment invoices and books, invoices, consular invoices, sales and purchase account books, ledgers, and tax records.

The De Hauke & Co. Inc. records, 1925-1949, contain records of the firm's largest subsidiary. Included are correspondence, administrative and legal files, and financial records. The records of the firm established to incorporate most of de Hauke & Co.'s stock, Modern Paintings, Inc., include legal and financial files.

Germain Seligman's Personal Papers series includes scattered family and biographical material; research and writing files for his books, Roger de La Fresnaye, with a Catalogue Raisonne (1969), Merchants of Art, 1880-1960: Eighty Years of Professional Collecting (1961), The Drawings of Georges Seurat (1947), and Oh! Fickle Taste; or, Objectivity in Art (1952), and other writings and articles, including those co-authored with his wife, Ethlyne J. Seligman; documentation on his personal art collection, photographs of family members, and the Paris gallery.
extent203 linear ft.
formatsCorrespondence Financial Records Inventories Photographs Notes
accessUse of original papers requires an appointment
record link
record source
finding aidPublished finding aid available (279 p.): Finding Aid to the Records of Jacques Seligmann & Co., 1904-1978. Electronic finding aid available at
acquisition informationDonated 1978-1979 by Mrs. Germain Seligman, daughter-in-law of Jacques Seligmann. Additional material was acquired in 1994 through the Estate of Mrs. Seligman. The Paris archives of Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc., were destroyed by the Seligmann staff in 1940 to prevent them from falling into the hands of the Nazis.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:47

titleRosenberg & Stiebel Archive - Subject Files
repositoryThe Frick Collection and Frick Art Research Library

Subject file from the Rosenberg & Stiebel, Inc. records. Files may include correspondence, invoices, statements, agreements, photographs, and printed material.

extent1 folder
accessThese records are open for research under the conditions of The Frick Collection Archives access policy. Material related to transactions after 1969 is subject to restrictions. Contact the Archives Department for further information at
record link
finding aidAvailable online.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:55